whelp i'm tired [sub]g'night[/sub] [hider=Incomplete][b]Name:[/b] Quincy Kilmore [b]Alias:[/b] Monster [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Most people who meet Quincy generally describe him with one word: monstrous. He towers far above the average person at just above 8 feet, and his abnormally long arms reach down to his knees. Although he seems somewhat lanky due to how large he is, he still has a good amount of muscle. His mouth, better described as a gaping maw, stretches from one side of his face to the other and is filled with pointed teeth. His black mane of hair seems wild at a glance, but its sheen shows that it's well taken care of. Quincy's half-closed red eyes have an oddly soothing quality to them, his sleepy expression contrasting with his otherwise menacing features. Since literally no store will ever carry clothes that will feasibly fit him, Quincy has gotten surprisingly good at sewing, his entire outfit made by hand. He wears charcoal grey pants, a red long sleeve and a black high-collared jacket. His jacket's collar does well at hiding his mouth from the side, but doesn't do much if he's facing forward. [b]Abilities:[/b] Quincy's senses and speed have increased from their usual monstrous level to an unnatural degree. His instincts are sharp enough to be confused with precognition, and is nigh undetectable with the naked eye at his full speed. While his body isn't strengthened normally, he can absorb the iron from spilt blood that he touches to form [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/1-hour-monster-2-105460483]armor[/url] around himself, starting at his hands. While it greatly slows him down, Quincy gains much more killing power and resilience, transforming from a speed demon to an unstoppable juggernaut. As a side effect, he also becomes progressively more ferocious, slowly losing his reason as he absorbs more blood. [b]Skills:[/b] Quincy has remarkably long reach and, despite what some would expect due to how gentle he is with everything else, is capable of wiping the floor with several people. He can sleep just about anywhere. [b]Flaws:[/b] Though some would simply call him selfless, Quincy rarely regards his own safety when he's helping others. Due to the shape of his mouth, he has significant difficulty speaking fluently, which isn't helped by the fact that he's simply bad at holding a conversation. [b]Background:[/b] Quincy was raised by his grandfather, named Corter, who took him in after his horrified parents abandoned him at the sight of his disfigured body. Despite being notable larger at the same age, he was often tormented by other children as he grew up. When Quincy returned evidently battered from school one day, Corter asked him what had happened and learned that Quincy had saw another boy in his class being ganged up on, and had shielded him from the blows. When he asked why he didn't hit back, Quincy replied that he simply didn't know how. "Then first," his grandfather said while smiling. "I'll teach you how to make a fist." Rather than any strict lessons, Quincy was simply given guidelines, allowing his fighting technique to develop into brawling rather than any particular style. The following week, when Quincy saw another person being bullied like before, he jumped in again, but actually punched back this time. The results: every single member of that clique was sent sprawling from his heavy blows, running away while yelling about a monster trying to kill them. Despite the actual circumstances, Quincy's reputation plummeted and the nickname "Monster" began to spread, the sole person who wasn't avoiding him being the classmate he helped. For better or worse, Quincy was perfectly fine with this isolation because it wasn't much different from before. Whenever similar situations occurred, Quincy involved himself with similar results until they stopped all together, his very presence becoming a deterrent against it. In his early teens, he also began doing things outside, like grocery shopping and odd jobs. He helped anyone he saw that needed it and, like before, dove headfirst against troublemakers. Fine-tuned for fighting after years of it, these "harder" brawls only served to sharpen his instincts even more. Though Quincy tried to avoid trouble by remaining anonymous and leaving as soon as he swept through a fight, it ended backfiring when the news simply took eyewitness's descriptions of him, which rarely deviated from the keywords of "giant", "demon" and, his favorite, "monster". Aside from taking up a warehouse job(his height helped greatly in this) and moving out from his grandfather's house to an apartment of his own, Quincy's adult life didn't change much from his adolescence. It was only after the sudden quake that things began to change for him, when the UN attempted to arrest Corter. Attempted, as in he escaped and went into hiding after knocking the officers out. Hearing this, Quincy began to question whether he should take action against the UN's actions or not. [b]Sample Post:[/b][/hider]