[color=f26522]“Oi, Erik!”[/color] A sergeant of the Forces of Light waved one of the older guardsmen over, lowering his voice. [color=f26522]“Has Will seen [i]him[/i] yet?”[/color] They shared a conspiratorial grin, Erik winking. [color=f7976a]“Nah, haven’t e’en had the chance to mention it. It’s that time of year again, huh?”[/color] They looked in unison at their unsuspecting victim, who was just now armoring up for the days patrols. [color=f26522]“I want ye to take him out on gate duty. Same as we did to you.”[/color] Erik nodded, composing his face as he turned. [color=f7976a]“Aye, William! Yer with me today-“[/color] [center][h3]Two Hours Later[/h3][/center] Kelvin marched quietly through the green, wondrous terrain of the Light realm. Part of him was overjoyed to be back among the greenery, where he had been raised so long ago. It seemed impossible; yet it also disgusted him. The joy, happiness, the lack of care seemed to bleed from the land. He had long since cloaked himself in illusion. It was natural- to look like himself again, if only temporarily. Kelvin strolled along, avoiding the shadows more out of fear of himself than of others seeing him. [i]A thousand years is not nearly long enough.[/i] Memories whisked by through his mind, his vision seeing the land as it had changed. Hills wearing away, grass growing and dying, trees growing, spreading, and dying. New life sprouting, branching upwards. He had walked this same path time and time again, every year. It was a comfort, knowing that the rest of the world accepted the truth of life and death, even if [i]they[/i] did not. Muscles he no longer had would have tightened at the sight of the Royal Castle, as it came into view. Unchanging, yet as beautiful as when he had first seen it ages past. It was sickening. There was no one on the path, which only made sense. The castle was a busy place, but over time most mortal races had begun to avoid this entrance at this day and time. As he approached, two guards straightened from their idle chatter, moving forward to greet him. One was older, Kelvin had met him before- the much younger, closer to the age Kelvin had been when he died. He already understood what was happening, this tradition had begun before either of the current guardsmen’s fathers had been born. [color=f7976a]“Hold! What is your business, traveler?”[/color] The older guardsmen spoke first, the same greeting as a year ago. [color=8493ca]“I seek audience with his Majesty, the King of Light.”[/color] [color=f7976a]“Aye, we can deliver your message.”[/color] [color=8493ca]“I must see him personally.”[/color] The older guard paused theatrically, nodded, and glanced at the younger. [color=f7976a]“William, check this man for any other weapons.”[/color] Kelvin held still as the younger man approached, nodding. The young guard stood square in front of him, glancing down, and gasping in horror- his shadow thrown across Kelvin transmuting living flesh to emptiness and bone, pristine armor to aged, rusted pieces, framed on rotting leather. Behind him, the older guard roared in laughter, until the man on the ground drew his dagger shouted a spell- launching himself at Kelvin, falling through him as he attempted to stab the ‘monster’. The dagger glowed, but passed through Kelvin harmlessly with the guard, who stumbled and dropped the dagger on the ground, which immediately threw up a gout of white magical flame. Immediately the illusion melted away, revealing Kelvin’s full body, riddled with arrows, imbedded in a skeletal frame sheathed in armor. Kelvin immediately drew his own sword in response to the magic, towering over the younger guard. Behind him, the older guard cursed and turned to shout towards the castle, only to pause- the castle was gone. The world had disappeared, leaving the two men alone in the darkness with the strangely illuminated spirit. The spirit of death loomed over the older man, reaching for his throat- and suddenly the world was back, bright again- and the apparition was gone, a trail of ice leading across the drawbridge and into the castle. The two guardsmen lay where they were for a long moment, the older trying to catch his breath, while the younger his bladder. [color=f7976a]“Sound the alarm!”[/color] Kelvin’s anger had barely been in check. No, he couldn’t have truly strangled the guard, but there were much worse ways to die, through black magic. It was a waste to kill however, when a simple illusion could suffice for those weak of mind. This was the first time he had been actively attacked in this ritual, and he was tired of waiting. For hundreds of years, he had requested audience with the King. For hundreds of years, he had been denied. No more. Kelvin reinstated the illusion of his body to mask his true presence and sheathed his blade. As he moved through the castle, ice left a faint sheen where his steps would have once made contact, though no sound echoed from the incorporeal feet of a dead man.