[center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Serpent's Territory[/sub][/center] The Xena Rock Fields were a dangerous place. All of No-Man's Land was dangerous of course, and there were reasons why Divers were seen as crazy. They spread among one another myths and legends, of treasures and monsters, each with varying amounts of accuracy. The only known truth was that leaving the Four Nations was a decision worthy of an asylum. And there were the risks. Divers lost their lives out on their adventures plenty. Sometimes nobody would even know they died, which only added to the mystery of what might be out there. Diver's Paradise didn't exactly have a library on it, and the CMAS wasn't about to believe that it was as dangerous as it was simply deprived of resources. Anything else they heard was superstition and ridiculous. Even the Junkers couldn't confirm much. With every force comes an echo. Of footsteps, of words, of the winds. These ring loudest on the battlefield, with the clash of weapons and the thunder of battle. This was a familiar echo to man though, who had been warring for ages. But this land was not meant for men; it was meant for greater things. The tremors intensified, and many were beginning to lose balance. The phrase "earthquake" was moving around several of the surviving Divers, but it was hushed as they faded for several moments. Perhaps enough to get confused. Until the ground split open barely a hundred meters northeast from the site of battle, and a serpentine creature burst from the earth, cracking the ground around it and making a noise between a hiss and a roar. Thick as a house and ten times as high, scales brown as dirt, pointed snout and horns perfect for tearing through the underground, it was more than visible to everyone present. It was also spotted with blood, especially around the mouth. Human blood. Luke's fourth squad was dead, and a monster was thier demise. It was still for awhile, tongue flicking out, before diving into the ground before it, roaring as its horned face tore apart the ground like a drill, the rest of its immense length moving in an arc as it burrowed again, from one hole to the next. Directly towards the people who had disturbed its home.