[hider=My most awesome character sheet!!!] [B]Name[/b]: Victor Pax [b]Titles or Aliases[/b]: The Warmonger, Death's Omen, Flame's shadow. [B]Race[/b]: Human [B]Home Plane[/b]: Idontremeber or Nunofyourbusiness. He bounces between the two when asked. But... Theros! He is from Theros! [b]Alignment[/b]: Chaotic Neutral [B]Color[/B]: Black and red. More black then red. He summons shadows, shades, and sometimes demons to fight along side him, while using red to burn and scorch his opponents. He also summons equipment artifacts to augment his own stregth so he can handle the life and death struggle of front line combat. [B]Appearance[/b]: Victor is a tall man standing six foot and one inches high. His hair is a full deep brown that is usually kept in an unkempt manner. It falls where it wants and extends down to about the middle of his neck if he straightens it. He can pull it back into a ponytail if he wants to make a formal impression with some noble. Victor's body is definitely a testament to his warrior life style. He is extremely fit. He has never lifted weights in his life, unless you count pushing the enemy off the edge of your blade, but he definitely has defined muscles. His body is marked with the scars of hundreds of skirmishes. His most noticeable wound his right arm. It has been completely replaced from the shoulder down with a metallic arm. Made of a rare mixture of Etherium and Darksteel, This arm makes a superior and functional replacement for his lost arm. Any learned Planeswalker may notice a slight Phyrexian design incorporated into his arm as well but he denies being Phyrexian. Victor hides a blade within this mechanical arm that he calls upon only as a last resort. As far as clothing, Victor wears a mixture of red cloth and black leather. He looks like his clothes are heavily influenced by Bant or Innastrad styles. He actually wears several sigils from Bant as a testament to his skills. One around his neck on a necklace. One on his left shoulder and one off his right hip. Any heavy armor he might wear he conjures in battle or borrows from whatever army he is currently serving. His metal arm is completely covered in a leather sleeve to hide it. Over all this, Victor wears a heavy cloak that is Dark Black on the outside and crimson red on the inside. He never wears this during combat as it restricts his speedy movements. This cloak serves to conceal his weapons, if he carries any. [B]Background[/b]: Born on the plane of Theros, Victor was naturally raise listening to the mighty tales of heros, who performed mighty deeds and earned the favor of the gods. Despite being born to farmers in the shadow of the polis, Victor always dreamed of joining the army when he came of age to make a story of his own. Fate, it seemed, had a different plan. Victor's family made a journey to their nearest polis, Akros. The army of Akros had just finished a military campaign against the merfolk. They pushed them back into the sea and saved the polis from destruction once more. The entire polis was celebrating and offering praise to Iroas, the god of victory. The celebration however was cut short by the whims of the gods however. Iroas's twin brother, Mogis, god of the slaughter. Mogis felt that he as a one of the gods of war should have been honored too. To correct this insult, the god sent his minotaurs to party and let the gates open to the polis. By the time the polis guard knew what was happening, it was too late. Victor's family was caught in the streets as the minotaurs charged. Victor watched helplessly as his father took a stand. He managed to rally some guards to fight, but as he raised his sword to one minotaur, the beast brought its club down on his father squishing him like a grape. In rage and anger, Victor grabbed his father's sword that had landed at his feet. Praying for dark vengeance, he charged the minotaur. Mogis heard Victor's fury and laughed. He gave Victor his blessing and Victor was taken in bloodlust. Victor does not remember that battle. From stories he collected later, he kills anywhere from 3 to 5 minotaurs, and chased away 5 to ten others. However, he remembers coming to before a Arkoan patrol. The hoplite leader did not know Victor but Victor knew him. Victor moved closers to meet one of his childhood idols, a true hero. His idol ran him through with his spear however. Being blessed by Mogis made Victor look like he was working with the minotaurs. It was now at the moment of his death, Victor's Spark ignited and he fell out of reality. Victor awoke again in a comfortable been in a place he did not know. A leonin has found him bleeding in the field and saved him. While recovering from his wound, he found that he was in a place known as Bant on a world of Alara. After healing, Victor took a liking to Bant's martial culture. He finally got formal training in military combat and even won three sigils in tournaments. While his skills with a sword and valor were valued, his savagery and willingness to do anything to win were not. Eventually, he was asked to accept going into exile from Bant or being forced. He chose to leave. He left the lands of Bant and entered the Metal lands of Esper. Here he found a group of individuals who could use the talents of an unaltered fleshy human who won some Bant sigils. As a mercenary, Victor began a life as a mercenary. On one contract to hunt down an Esper heretic hiding in the borderlands between Grixis and Jund, Victor ran into trouble. While successfully killing his target and stripping it of its Etherium, his target had set a trap. As he began to leave, he was attacked by a dragon of Jund. Knowing he was outmatched, Victor recalled he had travelled worlds once before. His only chance to survive was to Planeswalk again. Victor landed on a plane that very much left his impression on the young planeswalker. The Metal world of Mirrodin shaped Victor in more ways to one. Victor joined the Mirrodins in the fight against Phyrexia. Here he really took to his love of warfare. Mastering the ability to conjure artifacts to equip himself, Victor became noteworthy among the ranks of the Mirrodin. Not enough to attract the attention of Koth or Elspeth, but he eventually was given command of troops. Victor was waging a private war against the Phyrexians who had just recently mantled white mana when he suffered a devastating defeat. Victor was forced to make a stand against an Angel of the Phyrexians. He hesitated and doubted his motives when he encountered this divine messenger. He remembered the Angels of Bant and the light they carried. His hesitation came at a cost. Before he could come to his senses, the Angel had already severed his sword arm. At the Sight of his right arm laying motionless and detached among the metallic blades of grass, Victor lost all restraint. He butchered the Angel in the most unceremonious manner. When the Angel was dead beyond any reasonable doubt, Victor finally collapsed from his blood loss. Mirrodin physicians and metal smiths worked quickly to save Victor. Using what darksteel they had on hand and the Etherium Victor still carried on him, they made him a new arm so he could carry on the fight for freedom. After the establishment of New Phyrexia, Victor began to walk the multiverse. He traveled to many of world seeking out conflicts to test his skills in combat. He never settled. When one conflict ended he went on to find another. His quest for combat eventually lead him to Orisfal. [/hider]