Jin listened to their classmate speak, and nodded once it was done. They really believed that Miyamoto-kun would help, for what it was worth. He wasn't the type to lie needlessly. [color=92278f]"Thanks. I owe you. Free repair next time you need it, ok?"[/color] Jin flashed the boy a quick grin, and then nodded politely to the other girl. Then they were out the door and down the school halls. Jin was, technically, a member of the 'Going-Home Club', as they didn't have official membership in any club. If only there were a Mechanics Club! But Jin would probably have to start one personally, and honestly couldn't be bothered to do so. Jin's feet moved on autopilot, leaving their mind wandering. Last night had been a rough one, more than usual. While sleep and Jin were never on good terms, lately, the nightmares had changed. Usually they involved snow and blood, but lately there had been eerie butterflies and a question about their name. A question that Jin couldn't answer, deep down. Was she truly Jin Takahashi? Or was that a cover for Jinayah Ifriti? Sure, they had the one of the best grades in English, because they actually spoke it, but didn't Jin speak Japanese just as well now? Who was this Jin, anyway? Boy? Girl? Jin or Ayah or who, exactly? It made Jin's head hurt to think about. All they truly hoped for was to get some manner of sleep. The hospital was not a convenient place for a new school year... Stifling a wide yawn, Jin realized they'd made it outside. The Archery club was hard at work. Upon seeing one of the very few people they would call a 'friend', Jin plucked a spare bow from the rack and calmly joined Sakura's side. [color=92278f]"Sakura-chan."[/color] Pulling an arrow from the bucket, Jin notched it between fingers long-callused from street fighting, took a deep breath and let it fly. It hit the target quite to the left of center. Hitting a stationary target was easy, once you calculated mass, distance and force. Jin plucked a handful of arrows, tipping their head slightly to the side, mentally calculating. [color=92278f]"How are you?"[/color]