[@minimum]After brief review, interaction with your work attitude and display of wanting to only do the bare essentials, we as GMs feel Coruscant Sacked: Aftermath is not likely suited for you. Namely because to join, your sheet needs to meet a minimum set of requirements across all categories as well as come across as a whole character. The work you’ve put forth appears slapped together from disparate parts and without the intention of creating a character to add flavor into the rp’s story. When asked to add to sections, the reaction comes off as uninterested and half-measures in reaction toward what a GM asks you to alter and add to. This isn’t an acceptable attitude. A sheet that does not show sufficient quality will not be approved as it will cause issues in the IC, which we do not have any interest in having to deal with. Without the commitment described above, you simply won’t get into the vast majority of advanced RPs. While the advanced section is (thankfully) no longer as infested by elitists as it was a few years ago, people still have requirements for sheets and IC posts. If you still want to commit to Aftermath, you can still try and have a chance to be accepted but it will require you to show significant effort. Compare your sheet to that of other aftermath players (not necessarily the GMs). Yours will need to have at least as much text, detail and balance as them.