Aelia looked at the other huntress, brow raised. Aelia knew herself, she knew her tongue and unfiltered words often got her in trouble and, with that the case, the woman's offer confused her slightly. It was obvious it confused the orc also. Respect? Was that something she could hold? Depends to what extent? She could definitely stop herself from shooting another hunter as long as she wasn't provoked or had an arrow aimed at her own head and it was a universal unspoken rule throughout hunters everywhere to not take another's game, not that she ever would, what sort of victory was that? Taking another hunter's prey made you no better then a thief. She, once more, fiddled with her quiver strap her eyes remaining trained on Talia. She chewed on the inside of her cheek as thw cons and pros of such a decision swam through her head. [color=00aeef]"And despite a better pay and more connections, which I am liking the sound of I must add, what other differences are there? Do I have to pledge a portion of my earnings to the cause? Or must I have a restricted hunting spot? Must my every action and kill be monitored? Must I attend meetings? What else is involved in such a group, hm?"[/color] She asks, her questions pouring from her lips before she rested on her heels, her hands remaining on the strap of her quiver.