[b]"Uh...Bao?"[/b] A small gasp escaped from her lips, playfully as she removed her hands from his eyes. [color=f6989d][i]"You cheated! You knew already!"[/i][/color] she told him as she plopped next to him with a small huff. Looking around to the crowd, many of the people were dressed formally, dresses, button up shirts and the like. She had just a pair of jeans and a light weight sweater on. She moved her hair in front of her right shoulder as she looked at Chris. He was such a kind soul, sweet, gentle. She enjoyed his company, though she often wondered if she was a bit too much for him at times. Her hand played with the string that hung from the hole in her jeans, before she spoke again; [color=f6989d][i]"Well, you know I'm not one to break a promise. You're allowed a treat of your choice. Don't be too pushy now though.."[/i][/color] she made a small giggle, as she tucked the loose string underneath the fabric. [@jaybreezy]