[@DJAtomika] [B]NPC: Igarashi Iemasa[/B] "[color=6ecff6]Good afternoon, Matsumoto-kun! Heading off to Lit?[/color]" Igarashi Iemasa, twenty-five years old, has a long-term long-distance relationship with his girlfriend in Hokkaido, sidled up next to the aforementioned longcoat-adorning teenager, a dazzling smile (one that, if you were super poetic, was almost comparable to the sun in its intensity) plastered onto his face. A satchel hung across his torso, its top almost over-filling with what appeared to be history essays (if the lined paper was any indication). It seemed that the young history teacher was off to get most of his obligations done before the weekend, and thus allow himself to relax and enjoy his hobbies. Of course, this didn't mean he wasn't going to talk to his beloved students! Why, he was quite happy to converse with them rather than head directly home to his cozy little apartment. It was always good to know how the kids were doing. It was hip thing, wasn't it? And Matsumoto-kun looked like a guy in real need of somebody to interact with.