[hider Construction update] 500 Warrior Fabricants produced 2 Doom Gliders produced 1 Night Glider produced [/hider] [hider Warrior Fabricant] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/da5f/i/2015/109/7/c/necron_warrior_wallpaper_by_davidliu323-d8q83yr.png[/img] At a glance they are implacable, emotionless and terrifying warriors... the emissaries of death itself. Yet on closer inspection of a Warrior Fabricant, aberrant details become visible that act against the image of the perfect soldier. This is because Warriors are in no way autonomous. They are bound entirely to their commander's will. Outside of simple instructions, a Warrior's tactical awareness is almost non-existent. However, what Warriors lack in intuition they more than make up for in determination and durability. Once orders have been received, they are completely single-minded and will follow commands through to conclusion without question. Furthermore, individual warriors can suffer grievous damage before they cease fighting. Even dismemberment or decapitation cannot be counted upon to stay them, for its sophisticated self-repair systems in it's 'programmed metal' through it's nano bot design may eventually return it to it's original state. The Warrior will carry on its fight to almost unbelievable degrees, marching heedlessly through minefields, bombardments or other battlefield hazards that will surely see it destroyed if ordered to. All this they do in utter silence, for Warrior fabricants can never speak... vocalisation is rendered practically impossible, the feature was simply never added as the Starchild does not need these drones to speak. However, if heavily damaged, a Warrior emits an electronic scream as it's systems begin to fail, an ear-piercing shriek that is an eerie parody of a creature's cry of pain. [/hider] [hider Doom Glider] [img]http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/2011/11/22/44811f1cf3ded0bbfb4f3936cf327ac1_8546.jpg__thumb[/img] Doom Gliders are heralds of terror and dismay, supersonic fighter craft that range far ahead of an invasion. Doom Gliders can function in a highly independent manner. Much of the aircraft’s super-structure houses datastacks that are in turn heavily laden with strike plans, stratagems and tactical variants. When faced with a situation outside of known parameters, the pilot can sift through and formulate a correct response from this datastack. Thanks to the ruthless precision of his android brain, the pilot can simulate billions of possible strategies in the span of a few nanoseconds. A doom glider is entirely autonomous and thus has no 'pilot' but is actually a robot in and of itself. As such, it is uninhibited by mortal frailties and is able to steer the craft to higher speeds and perform more extreme manoeuvres than pilots of flesh and blood. In addition, a doom glider is a small spacecraft that fulfils the Attack Craft role. Doom Gliders are often deployed to sap the resolve of the enemy before the battle beings in proper, for its presence can induce an almost irrational, primitive terror in living creatures. This is due to the Doom Glider primary propulsion systems, a strange dimensional repulser device. The whine of the drive is piercing and discomforting. On a Doom Glider, the scale and amplitude of the sound is many hundreds times greater; the disorientating sound resonates deep within the primitive core of living brains, potentially playing havoc with memory and perception. Armed with two autocannons that strip targets down to their base components and disperse them. Due to the destabilisation on an atomic level caused by the weapon, only the most heavily armoured of vehicles can face this down with impunity for even thick armour plating can be dissipated into nought but air by this weapon. It's secondary and by far more devastating weapon is the Energy Projector Array. Mounted on the underling turret, this array fires a narrow beam of intense energy capable of passing through many enemy units and vehicles before the energy is dissipated, often vaporising battle groups with a single shot and leaving nothing but a line of scorched earth in its wake. This requires a substantial amount of energy and as such Doom Gliders must be somewhat conservative with it's usage due to it's long recharge period. None the less, it remains a devastating weapon of warfare capable of destruction on a large scale [/hider] [hider Night Glider] [img]http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq214/fynn666/craft012.png[/img] The Night Glider is somewhat similar to the Doom Glider in terms of speed and armaments, however it replaces the Energy Projector Array with a wormhole portal. This captive wormhole portal bound into the lower hull serves as a dimensional passageway through which the Hierarchy can move forced from one destination to the target destination once the Night Glider has landed or even while moving if the units going through are somehow able to survive disembarking. This can also be used to deliver warheads. Note that this portal can only be active in one direction at once. That is to say, it can either be bringing forces in or taking them away, not both at the same time. Attempting to enter the portal from the receiving end results in a most unpleasant experience and subsequent destruction as the atoms of a being are taken apart by the device, which then attempts to transmit the structure to the same gate, resulting in the atomic bonds simply being broken down on the spot and the energy dispersed. The presence of multiple Night Gliders almost inevitably heralds an invasion, attempting to take an opponent by surprise. Due to the portal it bears, it can bring in surprisingly large numbers of troops when considering its small size, which may be able to take defenders by surprise and overwhelm them before they regroup. Unlike Doom Gliders, Night Gliders do have an interior 'cockpit' due to their status as a transport craft, though this is a non-essential area and destroying it will have little to no-impact on the crafts performance. Night Gliders also have a minor 'cloaking' device that bends light around it to appear invisible and uses stealth ablative plating in order to hide from some basic forms of sensors. [/hider] [hider Online Systems] Automated defense grid Fabrication facility 001 Communications systems Stealth device Scanning and detection systems Power Core 001 Propylaeum 001 Propylaeum 002 Propylaeum 003 Propylaeum 004 Propylaeum 005 Propylaeum 006 Propylon Chamber 001 Processing Facility 001 [/hider] [hider Available Forces] x128 Defense Fabricants x500 Warrior Fabricants x2 Doom Gliders x1 Night Gliders [/hider] [centre] [u][b]Testing the wings[/b][/u] [/centre] On the surface, ancient obelisks sprouted from the ground and into the air, pulsing with energy as. In their pairs, they formed the Propylaeums, ancient portal frames from which the Hierarchy could enter and exit their underground structures. These Propylaeums could be accessed from any active Propylon Chamber on the planet. Their design no longer bore any controls from the outside for the Hierarchy had never intended anything to get in from the outside until the Starchild had awoken; The empty frames that had once held the terminal necessary for external access were quite conspicuous. Starchild watched the view of the Night Glider as it was loaded into the Propylon Chamber, the roof closing behind the Glider as it hovered within the chamber. Then, the wall before the view exploded into a swirling portal and the glider zoomed towards it. The dark of the chamber was replaced by the glare of a sun as the Glider zoomed out of one of the Propylaeums, exiting over a mountain and flying over the plains beyond it. The world had changed a lot since the Hierarchy first occupied it 100 million years ago, though it appeared that none of the animals on the planet had yet become sapient, or at least no sapient life that had formed overt nations and civilisations. Excellent, it would have been a rather wasteful use of time and effort to remove civilisations from the New Hierarchy's Homeworld. Now all they had to do was wait fo- Wait. Something was coming towards them; The long range sensors had detected a vessel moving towards them. There had been no response to the message and the Starchild was sure whether they were from the nation she had initially directed the message to. She paused for a moment, considering sending the entire planet dark again and waiting for the species to pass. They couldn’t simply hide away forever though. She set a Propylaeum to teleport back to the chamber and ordered the Night Glider to return through the portal before shutting it off, though not before having the Night Glider drop off two Warrior Fabricants (It didn’t really matter that they couldn’t speak, the language barrier would have rendered that difficult anyway) on the surface of the planet, standing guard next to Propyaelums 001 and 002. If the species proved to be non-hostile, she would activate one of the Propylaeums and let them inside to talk. If they proved to be hostile- Well, she’d simply keep the Propylaeums off and come up with another plan. She transmitted the message towards the approaching vessel, the same visible dots and the same audible blips. It should guide them here, perhaps they might even try to respond. She activated the life support systems; It would be rather awkward if the alien contacts choked to death when they entered the facility, after all. [hider Message to RCNS Anna Karenina] . . .. ... ..... ........ ............. ..................... .................................. ....................................................... ......................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. [/hider] [@Ozerath]