[center][b]S.e.m.e.t.i.c[/b][/center] [hr] The sewers wreaked with foul stenches and of unimaginable decay. Within a small corner of the aged, Voltisian sewer walkways sat the silent Ivalian Councillor Gisgo. Her attention had remained fixated upon the dialogues displaying between the various parties, however, her demeanor remained composed and alert despite the slight paleness that had begun to overtake her face. Not even a pile of rags and flesh did nothing to sway the Ivalian Councillor indifference towards what remotely resembled of a decayed and defiled body of a noblewoman that seemingly floated down stream and towards the Merchant's Quarter. Her motions directed towards a subtle, yet strangely sophisticated series of taps that somehow seemed to direct towards the Valanian killer's senses. “[i]D.a.e[/i],” she tapped whilst glancing down towards the filthy stream, “D.o n.o.t l.o.o.k a.t m.e a.n.d r.e.m.e.m.b.e.r w.h.a.t y.o.u w.e.r.e t.a.u.g.h.t a.b.ou.t d.e.c.e.p.t.i.v.e c.o.m.m.u.n.i.c.a.t.i.o.n. T.h.e V.a.l.a.n.i.a.n.s g.a.t.h.e.r.i.n.g n.e.a.r t.h.e s.e.w.e.r e.n.t.r.a.n.c.e a.r.e w.a.t.c.h.i.n.g y.o.u. T.h.e.y h.a.v.e b.e.e.n f.o.r t.h.e l.a.s.t h.o.u.r a.n.d I s.u.s.p.e.c.t t.h.e.y a.r.e n.o.t a.l.l m.e.r.e.l.y w.h.o. t.h.e.y s.e.e.m.” The Ivalian paused as she simple stretched and closed her eyes, whilst curling into a comfortable hunched location, yet the subtle taps continued amidst the discussions and gatherings that took place between both tunnel entrances. One could almost assume she were simply resting given how soft, sporadic, and faint the taps were, however, to the most trained and astute observers, they were unmistakable. Unseen to the eye, but legible in a system of stops, rhythms, and distinct echoes, the cryptic sounds continued in the form of common Ivalo-Punic language spoken throughout Ivalis and its colonies. “I w.o.u.l.d b.e p.a.r.t.i.c.u.l.a.r.l.y m.i.n.d.f.u.l o.f t.h.e l.a.d.y b.e.a.r.i.n.g a c.o.u.r.t.e.s.a.n d.e.m.e.a.n.o.r a.n.d t.h.e o.n.e.s i.n p.a.r.t.i.c.ul.a.r. t.h.a.t. s.e.e.m a s.h.a.d.e t.o.o. c.a.l.m. Y.o.u. w.i.l.l t.h.a.n.k. m.e l.a.t.e.r a.f.t.e.r y.o.u.'.v.e s.p.a.r.e.d y.o.u.r.s.e.l.f t.h.e h.e.a.r.t.a.c.h.e o.f w.a.t.c.h.i.n.g y.o.u.r f.r.i.e.n.d.s m.o.v.e i.n.t.o t.h.e s.l.a.u.g.h.t.e.r a.n.d m.a.d.e y.o.u.r d.e.c.i.s.i.o.n t.o r.e.t.u.r.n w.i.t.h m.e t.o M.e.d.i.a w.h.e.r.e. w.e. w.i.l.l s.u.m.m.o.n. a.n. a.u.d.i.e.n.c.e w.i.t.h. o.u.r. M.o.t.h.e.r Q.u.e.e.n a.n.d t.h.e C.o.u.n.c.i.l o.f F.o.u.r H.u.n.d.r.e.d a.n.d F.o.u.r.” Dae had used the time in the sewers to silently observe, though it was something she tried to do without being noticed. She had never been particularly trusting of strangers. Not that she even trusted those that she knew. She had moved to one of the walls of the sewers, laying against it in a manner that feigned being relaxed. She considered what Lucius said. It was certainly a difficult decision there. As she considered it she glanced at Councillor Gisgo, before forcing herself to look away. Of course she remembered her training. Her time away from Ivalis had hardly caused her to forget all that she had learned. Though she struggled more than she should have to understand the series of soft taps that were directly towards her. She did manage to take in all of the information and carefully moved one of her hands so it rested against the wall. Her light tap in response was only to say that she had understood. She hesitated as she considered what to do. There was something appealing about what the Councillor was suggesting. Staying in Valanian was incredibly risky and returning to Media would be a smart move. However it was not what she planned to do. She was not needed there. Pushing herself slightly off of the wall and with a slight glance towards Lucius, Dae raised up her arms to stretch out graceful. Though it seemed like a normal enough action her hands were very deliberately placed. The signal from them was subtle and one would have to be looking very closely for some kind of secret communication to notice that it was even there. As her arms lowered her hands moved to a dagger at her hip, and pulled it out in a fluid motion. Each movement had a meaning, though it seemed like she was merely inspecting and then sharpening the dagger. [i]'Something is not right about this. If you go ahead with your attack I would be cautious. Many of the Valanian's at the entrance seem too calm. I would be suspicious of most that join you in your strike.[/i] She hesitated. [i]I will join you, but I do not think your plan is wise nor do I think it will succeed. There is something more at work here...[/i] There it was; the signal they'd promised during the terrible days of the Valanian Purge, following the Kingdom's fall. The slayer-assassin's cryptic gestures proved so subtle that had it not been for a cough from the Councillor's direction, he might not have even noticed. When the notification did find the Prince's eyes, it almost caught him completely off-guard, however in mere moments, he'd attuned himself enough to understand his companion's rather urgent warnings. He knew he'd taken a bold move by running an audacious plan to strike into the heart of the Palais, but the gravity of the situation extended itself towards the possibility that he'd now condemned the motley assembly into entering a definitive death sentence. Matters had descended into an unforgivable road where decisions now limited themselves towards drastic measures that bordered on desperation. The fact that there was a dwindling time window certainly did nothing to aid their cause. He had to assume the gut-wrenching reality that many if not most had remanded their loyalties towards the Sarife Empire. It was a disgusting reminder of just how fickle their hearts moved when matters concerned survival, wealth, and most of all power. Power that corrupted most hearts during desperate times. The rather cold and distance glance that aimed towards the ceiling, clearly expressed the Prince's hatred amidst profound irritation. Through a moment of gathered reflection, Lucius' eyes narrowed dimly before motions quickly set about layering a fluid answer, “[i]Let me just ... [b]try[/b] to remand the situation.[/i]” His eyes turned to the walls where his eyes betrayed nothing more than towards reflections that mirrored the surviving leaders of the Valanian resistance into the filth riddled sludges. “[i]So you mean to tell me we may already been compromised [b]before[/b] we've even set foot into the Palais? This may explain why Voltas has become decrepit ruin under Conqvist's watch and why the banquet became a massacre. A pox be unto those swine, Dae! We should've let the false resistance burn the moment we entered the cellar. [b]Every last one of th...[/b][/i]” [i]Then it suddenly hit him[/i]. The Kingdom's fall, Conqvist's rise to the throne, and the power rebrandings. His eyes strayed towards a grill opening where his bodily motions conveyed yet another message. “[i]Shadow my presence and play along[/i],” he ordered upon quickly moving in the Valanian resistance's location. His facial expressions betrayed a sense of audacity, yet his motions remained mostly inconspicuous as he drew his pistol. “[i]I believe we may have found our solution ...[/i]” Dae watched Lucius subtly as he responded, looking at his movements out of the corner of her eye. She didn't want to arouse anyone's suspicions by looking at him directly for too long. She had given him her warning and he had responded. She narrowed her eyes as he moved forward. What was he planning to do? She could only hope that it wasn't something stupid. Unfortunately that was what it looked like considering that he was moving in on the location of the Valanian resistance and the pistol that he had just drawn. This was hardly what she had thought he would do in response to her warning... It was idiotic. And she was going to play along with it anyway. [i]Any further explanation on that solution?[/i], she motioned in response though she did not expect an answer. Even so she slowly, silently, moved. She made certain to make sure it did not look like she was following Lucius though she, of course, was. She managed to move close enough that she could offer support if needed but not so close that it was suspicious. Now she just had to see what kind of solution he had come up with. Quick footsteps echoed through the dank sewers walls complementing the Prince's furious, yet determined glare. Moonlight cascaded down upon the Merchant's Quarter and formed natural illuminated line that separated the sewer tunnel entrance from the pathway leading towards the general direction of the Palais de Voltas. His hands curled around the wooden pistol handle as several resistance leaders glanced in his direction with and attention upon his approach. “[i]Any further explanation on that solution,[/i]” the slayer cryptically inquired? “When the time comes, do [i]exactly[/i] as I say Dae and carefully observe the Valanian resistance. See if you can't spot oddities lining their toe or fingernails.” Steel rings, frenetic whispered murmurs, and crossbow string groans echoed from every corner of the resistance's scattered positions, however, confusion set about as many floundered amongst themselves to uncover what exactly was transpiring. Several pointed towards the approaching Prince and shouted amongst one another only to be greeted by suspicious glares, guffaws, and disrespectful retorts. “[i]For Emperor Bahramesh![/i]” Lucius screamed as he raised his firearm towards the Comtesse's head amidst the remaining resistance leaders' warning cries. In cryptic form, however, his gestures motioned a completely different message aimed towards the slayer-assassin. “[i]Shoot my firearm shoulder[/i],” his cryptic gestures towards Dae demanded, “[i][b]Now!!![/b][/i]” From where she stood Dae noted the movements Lucius made that were messages towards her. She kept her gaze subtle and neutral, looking at him without quite looking like she was. As she realised what he was going to do she tried not to curse. Was he trying to get himself killed? And yet she continued to play along. Pulling out the pistol she too had she carefully aimed it towards Lucius' firearm shoulder. She didn't take to long to decide the exact place to shoot. She was a trained assassin for a reason. Without a word she shot where she thought would do the least damage to his shoulder. As she lowered her pistol she stepped forward, cool gaze on the resistance and ignoring Lucius. She could only hope this gave them the results they hoped for. A moment later, a thundering clap echoed down the hallway that followed by an intense fire that immediately exploded into his shoulder. Screaming, his hand immediately opened releasing his pistol before he could pull the trigger. Steel rings and string groans rang out amidst the shouts, commands, and commotions that announced the surviving Valanian gathering's utmost attention and readiness. With a curse, the Prince dove to retrieve his weapon only to watch as his target, the steely eyed Comtesse gracefully swept across the floors and kicked it away and into the sludged filth. With a snap of fingers, two scar faced Valanians proved swift kicks and jabs to the abdomen that sent him reeling in loud agony. Crossbows and the odd firearm pointed directly towards his heart and upon collapsing towards the cold stone slabs, Lucius rocked back and forth to nurse his aching abdomen and shoulder. “Oh Le Crosse, Le Crosse, Le Crosse,” the Comtesse lackadaisically remarked, “Qu'avez-vous fait maintenant? You've a knack for the unorthodox! I supposed I should credit you for your animal cunning, however, I am shocked that your allegiance does not extend beyond Emperor Aryanpur. Not that it matters now. If we must, we will bleed the answers out of you, several drops at a time. ” Through several blinks, his gaze glanced across the Valanians before straying towards another figure that quickly departed the shadows and exposed herself. Her arms raised as the Comtesse approached, flanked by several crossbow wielding Valanian leaders, whose cold-expressions, disciplined postures, and leveled crossbows their willingness to fire on command. “And who are you supposed to be,” the Comtesse inquired through inquisitive eyes? With a head gestures, several crossbows redirected towards the slayer-assassin, though her motions indicated otherwise. “Nevermind who I am,” Councillor Gisgo flatly answered as she slowly raised her arms and stepped into the light. Her hands lowered slowly as she sank to the ground to lower her weapons, “You Valanians should know better than to allow a traitorous assassin to walk amongst your ranks.” “You are far from home to voice such words against our beloved Valania, Ivalian madame! I would hope you've enough coin and wines to peddle you way through Voltas or I fear, come morning, there will be some amongst our kind that may wish to … remove your wine tasting parts!” the Pompadour playfully retorted, “Of course ... [i]if[/i] … you still hold your tongue, I 'ope we can soon share a conversation to see if your intentions are benign; [i]after[/i] we are finished with our dear Comte. For now, though, we should interrogate 'im with questions that will soon enough lead to answers as to how he nearly double crossed me.” “Perhaps! But before you [i]finish me off[/i], you should first ask one of your own,” the Prince smugly interrupted. His good arm laboriously pointed directly towards a particularly venomous looking Valanian leader carrying a sharpened hunting knife. “The smaller cut-throat in your entourage is a Chuda gypsie and a Chevalier within Conqvist's Crown Watch.” “You make an odd case for yourself, Le Crosse,” the Comtesse laughed as glanced towards the smaller, albeit venemous looking girl, “However, you are a Comte without credibility. Gaspar, Lumiere, Pierre! String and shackle this traitor. When we've crossed into the Merchant's Quarter, his veins bleed shall every drop of information until I decide otherwise!” “Comte Le Crosse is not lying,” the Councillor interjected, “And if you are a woman of stature, perhaps you would do well to accept the shortcomings your patriarchal civilization's continually fail to deliver. Of course ... if we are discussing matters concerning intelligence and traitors; I ask if it require an Ivalian Councillor of the Four Hundred and Four to expose your lady's nails and garments as Chuda in manner [i]and[/i] fashion?” “Lenois?” the Comtesse laughed as her eyes strayed towards the venemous looking girl. A smile crept onto the woman's lips amidst facial expressions that bordered on incredulity and amusement. “'Tis' unmistakable and I swear on my life in Athirat and Yadin Hamon's names,” Lucius laboriously remarked through repeated winces, “Comtesse du Pompadour … your fellow cut-throat is a [i]Chevalier of the Crown Watch and a servant of the Lord Sovereign.[/i]” “Your accusations are baseless and without...” Through mid-sentence, the Comtesse's expression turned sour as she immediately unsheathed her broadsword and thrust the tip along the cut-throat girl's jugular. Attention had spilled over as all eyes hailing from both the Nezamnissary and Palais bearing parties trained upon the resistance leader's actions. Boluk-Bushi Taskimm issued orders to the remaining Nezams and aristocrats to avoid intervention whilst Balthazar wisely encouraged the Palais party to remain level-headed to preserve their unknown presence from Sarifen and Crown Watch patrols. “Comtesse?” the hunting knife wielding girl interjected in utter confusion, “By Sainte Isabelle ...” “Your under garments, Lenois,” the Comtesse calmly demanded as her blade wedged firmly against the girl's jugular, “Unveil your loins to me.” “Comtesse, this man is a traitor,” the girl unflinchingly voiced, “We should gut him now and escape while there's still time.” “Lenois, as a Comtesse of the Kingdom of Valania I [i]order you[/i] to remove your under garments ... [b][i]your nail trimmings too ...[/i][/b]” [i]For a mere heartbeat the smaller girl hesitated and briefly met the heiress of Pompadour's gaze with affection before briefly flashing a cold, emotionless expression. It was only after Lenois shifted almost impossibly and hurled an object to the ground, that the Comtesse realized the error of her ways. The next several moments flashed in a cacophony of loud, rippling bangs as smoke clouds sent confusion rippling through the assembled Valanian gathering. Shouts erupted amongst the various surviving leaders as they found themselves blinded by an expanding fumes. Within the dense smoke cloud, a distinct musket discharged followed by several screams rang out ...[/i] [hr] [center][b]Interlude Conclusion[/b][/center] [hr] In a matter of minutes it was all over and the smoke had begun to dissipate to unveil one figure screaming on the ground with a gaping hole in her gut and another wriggling to free her shoulder from a long knife that left her anchored to the wall. Sometime later, a towering figure arrived to rush through the clouded mists to reach the Comtesse's side to address her grievous wounds. Through the aftermath, Lucius wasted no time in retrieving his firearm before unsheathing his sword. Shortly afterward, his sword lifted the skirt above the wriggling girl's wasteline to unveil Chuda undergarments. Councillor Gisgo arrived a moment later with a torch to expose Lenois' fingers and the distinct preparations lining her nails. In a matter of minutes Valanian crossbows and the odd firearm had trained upon the gypsy. “If you'll find forgiveness, my dear Comtesse,” the Prince winced as he began to rip away cloth to bandage his wound, “You'll excuse my manner of deception and the lengths, in which I must cross. Lenois is a Chevalier of the Crown Watch and we will bleed every drop of information until we've uncovered everything we know. [i]Balthazar, Dae, Uriel, Lord Bahram[/i]; I will require your assistance in this matter. [i]Ona[/i], if you've any strength; I must request your aid in discerning if we have attracted unwanted attention. Afterwards, mark my words, we [i][b]will[/b][/i] gather ourselves to locate Conqvist's seer within the Palais ...”