The second trooper reeled, stunned by the impacts of the assault rifle in the exchange of bullets. With a swift kick, miro dropped the improptu shield from his grasp, and producing the icepick from the waist, moved in for the kill. These guys were rather well armored, and well trained, so he couldn't waste a single nanosecond on the offensive. If he ever became a still target, he would be swiss cheese, despite the fierce cover the girls were offering. The icepick penetrated the back of the neck of the soldier beneath the helmet, dropping dead even before he could register he was. His entire body went limp... And then, it happened. Miro watched, almost as if in slow motion. The van doors knocking Lyn. The creature lunging, and pinning the girl. The desperate struggler for her life. How she laid broken and bleeding, on the ground. [i]Just like Olga.[/i] The world went gray, as the adrenalin took over his senses. He didn't know what he said exactly, but he roared something. "It's a TRAP!" The last renmant of his sanity managed to muster. The rescue... made no sense anymore. The bullets? They were annoyances, even though a single one could easily bring him down. He just didn't care. In a blur, he moved forward. Shooting with the rifle. When that was empty, breaking someone's nose by swinging it as a club. Unloading his backup gun at point black, shattering someone's helmet and face. It went fast, too fast. His body moved way faster than his mind. A series of thudding noises in his limbs announced he probably had been shot aswell. But he didn't even feel it, nor noticed the bleeding. He reached for the rear vehicle's door, yanking the driver with enormous force out of the seat. Deep down, Miro knew what to do. All of the reason, morale and human feelings were cast away. Only survival mattered. But not survival of the self, but survival of the group. It was simple sense, that even an ant would understand. Viable reproductive females who were scarce nowadays would be more valuable than an adult male. He clasped the belt. Revved up the engine. And set his sights on the Seeker. "RAAAAAAAAHHH!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, accelerating a couple of tons of metal against the armored trooper, the car becoming a deadly ram, narrowly missing some of the girls and Lyn. "EAT THIS YOU MISHAPPEN BEGET!"