Bored by the inn now, Alex gleefully looked outside at the man running away who bumped into him, and gave a little clap at his performance, avoiding an explosion spell and someone jumping at him while running away from a Chef holding.... what is that thing? A Chef's Greatknife? Alex laughed at the current events and watched as a tankish looking character gave some gold pieces to the chef and walked in the direction of the man who fled without paying for his meal. Alex ran down to the chef and with a smile asked, "What happened?" The chef shook his head and said, "Once again someone ran off after a meal not paying for it, but then a man came down and paid for him," and Alex laughed as he ran after the tank, who seemed to be going towards a field of flowers where the other man was. Letting the two men both have their word, Alex then yelled out, "Hey little man and scary guy #2! A rat king sounds fun!" with a bit of a laugh, walking down to the two of them with a laugh. Then after he got closer to the men, Alex said, "Alex Clubs, professional entertainment services at your service. How may I be of assistance?" with a smile, enjoying seeing people's reaction to a court fool wanting to join their party. Makes one wonder how Alex stays sane after all the events that had happened, after all, there have been players that had gone insane from the log out removal. The initial bloodbath was terrible, but Alex avoided it easily by pretending to be an NPC bard with a simple wardrobe change and a rare potion that removes players from being able to be interacted with for a short time, which is a blessing and a curse. But it only lasted a matter of minutes, and now Alex has no such means of hiding from PvP players.