Death was now a strange concept to Elizabeth. Before she was distraught by the idea of death, one existing then not. But today she was calm, and that calmness made her feel strange. Almost as through she should be upset by the sudden passing of her music teacher. She was looking forward to her music class this afternoon, but now he was dead and classes tentative to be cancelled. He was found dead in his classroom by the janitorial class, police and the coroner called to make the passing official. Elizabeth sat at the back of her class by the window as the teacher broke news to the class and the students made their grief and sadness known. Feeling that strange calm she looked out the window and saw a brown haired girl walk up to a lone willow tree that sat in the middle of the schools side yard and sit. Elizabeth recognised the girl as a senior, Oddessa was her name? She was crying, then reached in her bag and pulled out a tape player. Something was strange though, Oddessa jerked while rooting though the bag, Elizabeth felt something radiating from the bag. A feeling, a very familiar feeling. That feeling faded the moment Oddessa zipped the bag closed. A small smile came across Elizabeth’s face if only for an instant. No one saw, few rarely took notice of her.