[center][img]http://www.nexus-wallpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cyborg-woman-face.png[/img][/center] [color=fff200][b]Name:[/b][/color] Cassandra "Cassie" Wells [color=fff200][b]Alias:[/b][/color] N/A [color=fff200][b]Age:[/b][/color] 27 [color=fff200][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=fff200][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Typically wearing a flight suit (Which consists of a highly durable material clinging to her skin coloured light grey), when off duty she wears anything that [i]isn't[/i] a flight suit. [color=fff200][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Cassandra Wells is physically enhanced in that she can travel at incredible speeds. Her max speed is 750MPH (She has not reached this speed yet), this lets her to outpace almost all land based vehicles and even some vehicles that are airborne. This has it's own drawbacks of course, she needs to wear a flight suit (or similar item of clothing) when traveling at high speeds or it just ends up burning. While she also heals faster (to withstand the damage done by her traveling so fast) she also has an increased metabolism. While this means she can eat whatever she wants without getting fat it is a huge money drain as she needs to keep her sugar levels up in order to function. Her powers are weakened in the extreme cold and exhaustion is a real cause for concern. Not to mention at the end of the day she is just someone that moves really fast, she can't punch extra hard or anything. It's all about the speed.[sub]For those thinking she's like the Flash, think more like the YJ version of Kid Flash where he can't phase through objects or anything, he can just run fast.[/sub] [color=fff200][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [list][*][i]Reaction Time:[/i] Combination of her abilities and training she can react to situations in the blink of an eye. [i]Pilot by trade:[/i] She has received pilot training by the U.S.F which allows her to pilot almost any craft smaller than 500m. [i]Peak Physical Condition:[/i] As a requirement for flight training her body remains in good physical condition. [i]Intelligence:[/i] While she's no stellar genius she is well educated. [i]Military Training:[/i] In the end, she's trained to think outside the box. She isn't the best tactician around but she's better than the untrained eye. [/list] [color=fff200][b]Flaws:[/b][/color] [list] [*][i]Confidence:[/i] In the air she rules supreme. On two feet she lacks anything that resembles confidence. [*][i]Hearing:[/i] She is partially death in her right ear. [*][i]Visual Aid:[/i] She saw combat against Pirates in Lunar Orbit in 2198 and her vision was irreparably damaged. As such she has goggles permanently affixed to her face. If they are damaged, disrupted or removed. She is blind. [*][i]Personality:[/i] She's hot headed and stubborn, a typical pilots personality.[/list] [color=fff200][b]Background:[/b][/color] [indent] [i]2173:[/i] Cassandra Wells was born to John Wells and Elizabeth Wells, both active servicemen for the U.S.F. [i]2178:[/i] Cassandra starts going to School, being raised in [i]Gateway[/i] she becomes fascinated with Spacecraft. Cassandras younger brother 'Ryan' is born. [i]2179:[/i] Ryan passes away due to complications, the family is hit hard. [i]2180:[/i] Cassandras mother returns to active service. [i]2185:[/i] Cassandras mother is killed in the line of duty. Her father throws himself into his work. [i]2189:[/i] Cassandra decides, against her fathers wishes to become a pilot in the U.S.F [i]2191:[/i] Cassandra enlists in the U.S.F to join it's Naval Forces in order to become a pilot. [i]2193:[/i] Cassandra graduates one of the top students in her class, being assigned to the U.S.F [i]Reliance[/i]. [i]2195:[/i] Cassandra sees active combat for the first time between Mars and Earths Moon. She is promoted to flight leader. [i]2198:[/i] In an engagement against pirates near Earths Moon, Cassandra is hit and 'goes down'. Shipped back to Mars she receives the best medical care available, however she looses both her eyes and partial hearing in her right ear. She resents the U.S.F for not replacing her eyes (Which they have been known to do for victims from Earth). [i]2199:[/i] With Rehab Cassie re-enters service... flying dropships and gunships for the U.S.F Peacekeeper Corps. [i]2200:[/i] The Quake happens, and after things calm down Cassandra begins noticing that her lap time increases exponentially. At this point she can manage to run at around 250MPH. So far she has managed to keep her abilities secret. [/indent] [color=fff200][b]Sample Post:[/b][/color] My Sample post will be the one to kick off the IC. If you all want I can still do one.