[center][img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTnQ3IGoOSGfJxv4fQkvJXrgOskNdKFRG3JR6cINSURDJVXzGIj24SVDM[/img][/center] [center][h3]Natalie Heartwarm[/h3][/center] [center][h3][i]Origin: Old Kingdom/Ancelstierre[/i][/h3][/center] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Main Weapon: Dagger [*]Secondary Weapon: Determination! [*]Inventory:[list] [*]Abhorsen robes (blue with a design of silver keys) [*]Abhorsen chainmail (doesn't constrain) [*]Bounding Mogget Ring (becomes a hoop when being attacked by a powerful undead creature, which can be put around its neck, restraining it to a cat form)[/list][/list] [b]Powers and Skills:[/b][list] [*]Can sense death, whether it be true death or undeath. [*]When out of options, Natalie goes berserk, meaning that she's stronger, more durable, has higher endurance, and faster. [*]Knowledge of Charter Magic, which is useless in this land, unless there are some Charter Stones around (large stones found in the Old Kingdom)[/list] [b]Back Story/Bio:[/b] Natalie is the second oldest daughter of Sabriel the Abhorsen and King Touchstone. She was born and raised in the Old Kingdom, preferring the Abhorsen's house over the royal Castle. When she was 19, her mother died, leaving her to be Abhorsen. A year later, when she turned 20, she woke up on an odd bridge of sorts, in her Abhorsen robes and chainmail. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Marlon's Crossing [b]Other Info:[/b]