Rob's words barely registered in Jane's mind as he spoke, but she tried to best to not let everything she was thinking display outwardly. It was if her pride and selfishness was a cage, and her true feelings and sensitivity their prisoner, and she so badly wanted to scream out all of the frustrations she was feeling. As he continued, she picked up on the hurt his tone was laced with, and it completely destroyed her. So, he wanted her to treat him 'normally.' Jane wasn't sure what [i]normal[/i] was anymore. Could he really have just wanted her to continue fucking around? Never touch him again? Never have the nights they've had before? That couldn't be right. But, instead of trying to argue the point he made, she nodded softly in agreement and hugged him, forcing herself not to squeeze him. Then they went their separate ways, both physically and [i]mentally[/i]. Jane wandered the mall barefoot, using a finger to graze the rows of clothes she walked by. The last thing she felt was hungry, but she forced down a sandwich and some water before heading back to the van and placing herself in the back seat, cigarette smoke pouring out of the opened behind her resting head. If Rob really didn't want her to be around, she wouldn't, but if she would just fucking tell him how she was feeling, there would be no issue. She just didn't have the courage to let him know that she hurt him for no reason. ------------------------------------------ Jane couldn't help but smirk as Austin swiped two keys from the concierge, but she didn't dare look over at Rob. She could feel the heat of his frustration radiating off of him. [i]"Is it really that bad Rob? I'm not a fucking stranger."[/i] Jane remained silent as they made their way into the room, her head swiveling around to soak in all the amenities. Espresso maker, black marble counters in the small kitchen, large French doors that opened to a patio overlooking the city from fifteen stories high. It had to be the nicest hotel they've stayed in, not only on this tour, but ever, and for a moment, the luxurious apartment made Jane forget about the messiness of her and Rob's relationship until she heard him rustling around behind her. Quickly turning around, a "Rob, I -" was all she could get out before the door to the first room swung close with a [b]thud[/b]. She nodded with pursed lips before approaching the door quietly and leaning her ear to the wood. She heard him get undressed, and her teeth clamped on her bottom lip as she debated on going in or not. But Jane ultimately decided to give him the space he so desperately craved. [i]"You got it, Rob."[/i] Jane unpacked in the other room as she sang loudly to warm up for the night. A day's rest did her well - her voice almost back to normal - and her mindless singing followed her out into the kitchen as the joint that was planted firmly in her lips puffed like a train engine. She had taken off her shorts and slipped on a pair of boy shorts, along with a big, white tee shirt, but her hair remained sloppily on top of her heard right where she left it, and it bounced around as Jane sang [url=]All Apologies by Nirvana[/url] and mixed herself a drink. Orange juice and vodka. Jane wasn't usually one to drink a corkscrew, but her mouth began to salivate as the idea popped in her head. She was bored. Confused. Emotionally exhausted. Maybe that's why she felt the need to do something as minute as pick a new drink. She made her way on to the porch with the busy city roaring underneath it, leaning on her free hand as she took a sip of the cocktail. If Rob wanted to be treated 'normally,' then Jane wasn't going to hold herself back. Not in New York City. But as soon as the selfish thoughts went, her true ones came. She didn't want to sleep with anyone else. To flirt with anyone else. To touch or laugh with anyone else. That proved true with Zack from the bar. She check the time on her phone, and it was time for them to head over to the venue. Rob was probably asleep since it had been an hour or two since they arrived and she hadn't heard a peep from his room. Jane approached the door once again, this time lightly knocking. "Rob," she called. "Rob." Nothing. Her small hand slowly turned the ornate lever and pushed the door open to see him laying shirtless under the covers. She sighed and closed her eyes briefly. "Rob," she shook his muscled arm gently. "Hey, we gotta leave soon," her raspy voice declared softly. And without waiting for a beckoning that wouldn't come, she left the room without turning back around and closed the door. "Fuck," she whispered as went back to her room to get ready. Jane took her hair out of the knot and shook it loose; the band she had used created large, messy waves in her long hair. She slipped on a gray, tight body suit - it's front and back both dipping low - and a ripped up pair of shorts over it. She packed her purse with her cigarettes, phone, lighter, and wallet and popped up onto the counter in the kitchen as she waited and finished her third drink. Jane wasn't sure how the set would go. Perhaps all of this tension was one sided now, and Rob was completely fine letting her go. She didn't have time, though, to dwell on the thought before a text from Austin rang in. Austin: [b]You guys ready yet?[/b] Jane: [b]Five minutes.[/b] Austin: [b]Rob comes that quick huh?[/b] Jane: [b]Now we're just 'friends.'[/b] Austin: [b]Oh shit.[/b] Jane: [b]Yeah.[/b] "Rob, we gotta go!" Jane called out to the closed door as she hopped off the counter. Hopefully he'd look like shit. Hopefully he'd somehow look so unattractive to her and she wouldn't feel this way anymore.