[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8i7l7JH.png[/img][/center][center][hr][hr][img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_macbmqpZME1qfj3ejo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Some students chattered away, other students sat in awkward silence in the seats of the [url=https://www.iusb.edu/_Featured_Images/arts/center%20stage%20piano.jpg] auditorium[/url]. There were music rooms throughout this building but today, their teacher decided to have it here (most definitely because of the time of year). The more nervous looking kids were without a doubt First Years or Second Years that were not prepared to perform for the Christmas Concert. The older faces, which weren't many, were pretty laid back although they knew once their professor walked in they would have to sit up and pay attention. Students knew to come into this class with an open mind and a willingness to do whatever their spontaneous professor told them to do. Anticipation filled their stomachs, as they waited for the bewitching man to arrive. This was a big feat to have been accepted in the elite COLOURS class, especially for the first years. Those who wanted to take their skills to the next level and test themselves competitively auditioned the Saturday before Blackthorne Academy's orientation, a few months ago. Many students were denied, but a few caught the music teachers' eyes (not including Jeremiah, who entrusted his subordinates to pick his group of young, talented singers having caught a minor cold). The students prayed that their Professor didn't miss this class. It was too close to the concert and they needed as much direction that he could give! The unnerving feeling of not knowing what it took to please their teacher fully made each and every one of them continuously restless throughout the semester. There had been contradictory rumors of this class, some students had tears of joy while others had major meltdowns. These particular group of kids were extremely stressed and wanted to crash in their beds. Suddenly, footsteps were heard from behind the stage. It echoed throughout the large room. [i]Tap. Tap. Tap.[/i] As the disheveled professor strolled out of the curtains with a straight face, the room fell silent. He wore a completely [url=http://cdn4.lawyersuits.com/i/06/ea/16/1e/a1/all-black-outfits-men-15-all-black-dressing-ideas-for-guys_original.jpg?1455093548]black outfit[/url] that made his golden hair and hazel eyes look especially striking. He didn't require his glasses so he left it by his desk upstairs. Taking a seat on the piano bench, the man felt his students' stares as they waited for the lesson to begin. Not looking at them, the tall man gently ran his fingers on the keys of the piano, his eyes felt distant even when he was very much present. Something about his eyes, always made people enthralled with him, like a predator leering at his prey. He didn't need to say words for the students to get lost in a trance while they were in his presence. Agonizing anxiety was their main feeling, at the moment. If they fucked up, they could lose their chances of performing and making their parents' proud. Sure, Jeremiah was fun occasionally but he also constantly challenged them to go above and beyond their comfort zone. He proceeded to crack his knuckles and then asked all his students to come stand on stage around him. It was then when the kids realized he was wearing a point source mic around his ear so they could hear him over once the music would start. The first day of class he scared them with his piano skills. Today, at least for the first ten minutes, he would go a little easy on them. As he waited patiently, Jeremiah stared at the song book in front of him. Closing it, he shook his head in annoyance. Some student or professor forgot their book. How irresponsible. When all his students marched up and made a half circle around him, Jeremiah called out, "[color=goldenrod]Ms. Jenna Pierce.[/color]" "[color=pink]PRESENT!... Professor Clarke[/color]" The little freshmen with red braids squealed. Turning his head toward her and meeting his golden eyes with her green, he surveyed her expression. "[color=goldenrod]It's your turn. Don't make it a Holiday song. We will be doing plenty of that after warm ups.[/color]" He asked, waiting for her to pick a song that all her peers could know. Twiddling her hands, the girl doubtingly muttered, "[color=pink]Um... Rather Be by Clean Bandit?[/color] Nodding to himself, he turned back to the piano keys, "[color=goldenrod]Good...good. If you happen to be that one student who doesn't know this song, improvise. As you should already know, when I call your name, you chime in and sing. If I do not hear your voice, you will be marked absent. I hope you all did your vocal exercises before I got here, I do not want a repeat of yesterday.[/color]" One of the boy's blushed remembering his terrible croak... Pressing onto the keys, Jem's fingers glided on it with grace even if he was playing a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxzsL1bA7xw] modern song[/url], "[color=goldenrod]Jenna, please start.[/color]" [indent]"[color=pink]We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea.[/color]"[/indent]"[color=goldenrod]Daniel[/color]" [indent]"[color=pink]But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be.[/color]" "[color=limegreen]But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be.[/color]"[/indent]"[color=goldenrod]Luke[/color]" [indent]"[color=pink]I would wait forever, exulted in the scene,[/color]" "[color=limegreen]I would wait forever, exulted in the scene,[/color]" "[color=dodgerblue]I would wait forever, exulted in the scene,[/color]"[/indent]"[color=goldenrod]Beatrice[/color]"... And with that, the music class commenced. Not once have their students heard their teacher's singing voice. He played a few instruments but they were curious how strong was his vocal range. Jeremiah could very well sing, with his soothing voice that could put anyone to sleep, but his smoking habits made him have to sing only on special occasions. One day, his poisonous habit would get him killed. This month would be hectic for him, with the holidays approaching and the concert. How much free time would he really have? Sighing, Jeremiah thought about his dinner with his best friend the previous night, they didn't talk about anything serious just random shit that happened this week and even joked around about Eric's future and the day he would find his special someone. Of course, Jem didn't think it would happen anytime soon and he would make sure his seal of approval was set on stone before Eric got too deep. Life wasn't terrible. Everything seemed fine and neither him or his best friend had anything to complain about, so he believed. Peter came into his head and a rare smirk fell on the man's face. As the students' sang, the ladies couldn't help but go pink in the face. Seeing Professor Clarke smile was so rare at school but when he did, they couldn't help but swoon. All of them wanted to know what made him smile so genuine. However, that was something they were too scared to ask. Soon he and Pet needed to go out for drinks. He missed his adorable science enthusiast. A light chuckle slipped out with just the thought. Jenna brought one of her hand's to her chest as she felt her heart go *Badamp*.