[b]Character:[/b] Gunsō Haruka Kazuko [b]Location:[/b] Deep in Bervan Woods [b]With:[/b] Nobody [hr] Running hurt, walking hurt, standing hurt, thinking hurt, everything hurt, but Haruka had to keep moving. Fear, a concept somewhat new to the soldier, was engulfing him just as he thought the fire would. Haruka tripped from exhaustion after running for a couple minutes and quickly rolled over to get a last look at what would be his killer. However, when he saw what was behind him, he saw nothing but trees. No sounds, no movement, just large, ominous trees. They weren't even the trees that you would find on Peleliu, they looked more like pines or something of that sort. Haruka was confused, and his head throbbed when he tried to understand what was going on; his mind was thinking something much stronger than that of being lost...thirst. Haruka had been cooped up in a cave system with other troops for at least two weeks, probably more like a month almost. The fresh water supply on a small island wasn't plentiful, and Imperial ships hadn't been able to breach the blockade Uncle Sam had set up, leaving the troops on Peleliu under siege with no supplies coming in. Now, without the constant sounds of combat echoing in his eardrums, his mind focused on this new pain, with its craving thoughts tearing at his throat. Someone had to have some water at the makeshift camp they had made in case they needed to retreat and hide for a while, he would head there. Haruka starts to try and orientate himself, but just stumbles around for a couple minutes as he tries to align stars in the sky. Eventually, he sits down, completely bewildered, there were no stars; none that he could see, at least. The only thing he saw in the sky was the bright yet dark moon. He stands, and decides that the moon was to his East, and starts heading in what he assumes is North.