[h1][center][color=00C455]Andrew[/color][/center][/h1] Andrew woke up really late this morning. He sat up and checked is phone before lying back down. [i][color=00FFEE]Today is that damn festival...I don't wanna go...[/color][/i], he thought to himself. He knew people from school would be there, so he decided to go. Andrew groggily rolled out of bed and shuffled his feet to the bathroom to begin his morning routine. Andrew finished after a while, taking his sweet time to get ready. After finishing this, he got dressed rather slowly as he listened to music, humming the lyrics of his songs. Andrew finally finished and walked to the festival. He walked at a relatively slow pace, not really wanting to be at the festival all day. It took Andrew about thirty minutes to arrive when in reality it only took about ten minutes. He arrived and saw a huge amount of people, taking him by surprise. [i][color=00FFEE]There's a few students...maybe they'll recognize me...[/color][/i], he thought. He wasn't really popular last year as it was his first. He didn't have too many friends that he talked to on a regular basis. Andrew walked towards Ayumi and the group she was with.