Rida wasn't exactly pleased with the faeries but figured she could at least find some use for them. "Thank you your highness, I will make good use them." Rida said as she flew off before being stopped by a few of the fairy nobles who wanted to talk to her. "So how was to it to save a princess! Do you feel blessed?" Some of the fairies asked. Rida knew she would have to answer some of these kind of questions though. She put on a convincing fake smile and told stories of heroics and in the stories she made the princess to look like the real hero of it. She mentioned nothing of the princess hiding and shaking. After a bit of the pleasantry she left the room, the two fairies she had brought with here were the true members of her squadron. They would be the ones that hide the most and protect from the shadows. The fairies she was given for now would have to go through vigorous training to be prepared for actual battle. For now these little ones in white were useless to her. As she approached the other two fairies they nodded to each other and took the white fairies of elsewhere to begin their training. There wasn't a guarantee that these fairies would survive though. Soon enough Rida heard the commotion of the attack. She shot out into the main hallway and hid herself in a corner of the ceiling to observe what would happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------- While all of this was happening a small chow chow dog was outside of the castle. It did nothing more than watch the castle, coming up to the guards from time to time to get petted. This was Mozu, the young werewolf that acted more like a dog than a human. When the attack started though there was a bit of chaos and Mozu ended up running into the castle in a panic. As she did though she came upon Lucius. Immediately Mozu stopped and then started to follow him. This man had caught her interest, and something about his scent was almost intoxicating.