[b]Character:[/b] Danielle Mason [b]Location:[/b] On the floor of the Church of the Creator [b]With:[/b] Nobody [hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=HAUNTING%20THE%20CHAPEL&name=Shoguns%20Clan.ttf&size=48&style_color=FFFFFF[/img][/center] Darkness.....it engulfed her completely in those final moments, the last ounces of her precious life draining ever so sudden from her face. It set in like a thick, black cloud, like smoke and ash from the mouth of a fiery chasm. The beast with the pyramid shaped head, as it lumbered towards her, convulsing and groaning in such unbridled agony, as the paint and mortar flecked away from the walls revealing the nightmare beneath them, walls that squished and squirmed like the innards of a human being, Danielle quickly shut her eyes, anticipating dreadfully to feel its massive, bloodstained blade impale her through her gut or cleave her head off in one fell swoop. But none such came to her. The siren, screaming as though banshees would to announce impending death, slowly it began to fade from earshot, a distant whimper it was in the ever encroaching darkness. Then...a bell. Danielle awoke with a start to find herself lying on the dusty and dingy floor inside the old, dilapidated church to the tolling of a mournful, broken bell being carried upon the ill, chilling winds that swept through the cracks and creases in the old stained glass windows. [i]"Mngh...wh...where am I?"[/i] She pondered aloud while rubbing the back of her head, her almond colored hair a bit tousled and a dry, stinging sensation in her throat. Earlier....it was so vivid, everything, the rust, the monsters....her dead mother...but now it all just seemed a blur in the back of her mind. Speaking of which, her head was still pounding incessantly. Rubbing her eyes, tired and bloodshot, she looked around. Her surroundings..they were so bleak and unnerving. All the pews of the church were smashed to pieces, now just discarded planks of rotting wood bristling with rusted nails. The stained glass windows were caked over with layer upon layers of dust and cobwebs, so much that they had lost their shimmer and were nothing more than mute, drab colors. And the large wooden cross above the pulpit, where an image of Christ would be normally seen, instead it was usurped by a crucified human skeleton, its skull replaced with that of a goat-like creature and wings protruding from its back that seemed to be made out of....pieces of human skin haphazardly stitched together. Beneath it, beside a few flickering dim candles, a crudely put together wooden placard. Written upon it in what could only be discerned as blood was the phrase: [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Et%20periit%20spes%20nostra&name=youmurdererbb_reg.ttf&size=54&style_color=C41212[/img] Latin for: "ALL HOPE IS GONE" [i]"What is this place?"[/i] She whispered to herself shivering. Churches were supposed to be places of peace and serenity, right? So...why did Dani feel this place was less of a house of the holy....and more of a den of demons?" The cantankerous cackling of a passing crow startled her, causing her to nearly leap from her skin. She had to wonder....was this that place her mother told her about? The place she was never to go under any circumstances? Was this..... [url=http://listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=zFEJlAU0B3c#Silent_Hill_3_OST_-_Innocent_Moon] Silent Hill?[/url] [i]"It can't be."[/i] She rose to her feet dusting off her slightly tattered jeans, trying to shake away the fear that was encompassing her body like a bitter frost on her skin. In fact, this place felt cold, as frigid as what the inside of a morgue probably felt like....and just as dead too. Not a soul but her left in the abandoned parish, save for the few spiders and other creepy-crawlies she witnessed scuttling about through the cracks in the creaking and moaning floorboards and the shattered window panes. The winds outside were contrary, their solemn wails heard all throughout the barren church, along with the peculiar rumbling of distant thunder. Every once in a while, Dani would catch the flash of lightning outside, yet...no rain to fall, even if the skies above seen through the gaping holes in the plated roof were dark and dreary. This couldn't be Silent Hill...and yet....that is what this place felt to Danielle. ...A living, breathing nightmare.... [i]"Hello? Is someone here?"[/i] She called out, her voice echoing. She's had that feeling for some time now, the feeling of eyes upon her always, eyes...intensely gazing at her with a fiendish delight. But there wasn't anyone else here; just her right?