[hider=Character] Name: Gui Little Thunder Titles or Aliases: Her surname is a War Name, a descriptive title earned through a feat of battle. Race: Goblin Home Plane: Tarkir Color: Red, White, and Black. Her magic mostly takes the form of war shrieks that channel strength and battle fury into herself and her companions, or else intimidate her opponents. She has also learned to breath both fire and lightning. Appearance: She stands at a little over a meter at full height, but her kind often walk and run on their knuckles, making them shorter. She has a fierce, wolfish face, pale skin and chestnut fur that she keeps clean and shiny. Her mane is often in braids, bound by rings of plundered precious stones and metals, including rare etherium. Her bracers, greaves and armored skirt are all from her home plane, and are leather with studded plates sewn on. She has a Bant mail shirt, cut short enough for her, and a wojek helm, rudely painted red, from Ravnica. Over her armor is a red, fur trimmed woolen garment, fastened around her belly with a studded leather belt. Her weapons are a cleaver-like short sword, usually tucked with no sheath into her belt, and a halberd taken from a Bant knight. Background: Born to a horde in Dragonlord Kolaghan’s clan, her race consigned her to life as a Shriek Bandit, the screaming, looting bandit droves of the clan. It was her ability to rally her siblings that elevated her beyond this low station. Gui earned her Battle Name, an honor not typically held by goblins, when she led her band of shriekers to steal an entire stable full of horses from a town they were conquering. The miniature horde rode three or four to a horse, screaming and smashing anything in their path as they collided with the enemy’s flank. She was henceforth named for the enormous noise her charging goblins made. This unusual honor puffed her up, and she soon insisted on her wing of goblins riding in every battle, where before they were always on foot. Her Hordechief consented, though to him she was more of a source of amusement than a respected leader and fighter. Gui recognized this, but ignored it. After one battle, there wasn't enough food to go around and the goblins, getting the last pick, were expected to go hungry. Little Thunder found this unacceptable. Her Shriek Bandits mounted up and plowed through the Hordechief and his inner circle while they sat at the fire eating. Their portion of food was more than enough for the goblins, and Gui spread the rest among the other lower ranking members of the horde, ingratiating herself to them. She had her own horde, but it was short lived. The other Hordechiefs of the clan didn't respect her, and as soon as word spread, her horde was beset by rivals and they were all embroiled in a clan civil war. The Dragonlord Kolaghan herself flew down to put an end to it, and at the sight of the dragon descending upon her made Gui paralyzed with fear. As her Planeswalker Spark ignited, she thought she had gone mad with fear as well, but as she calmed, she realized she had in fact been flung to some far place she didn't recognize. It was Ravnica, and here she spent some time with the Gruul, who Gui thought to be similar to her old clan. But she found their reverence for wild places tiresome, and though she learned much about riding beasts from them, she could never attain the same command of wild creatures that the warrior shamans had. Still, it was among them that she found her first other Planeswalker, a young man who had been born to one of the clans. In point of fact, it was he who found her; having been to Tarkir in his own travels, he recognized her place of origin. She learned a little of the multiverse from him, but she cared for him as little as she did for the Gruul as a whole, and when they traveled to Alara together, she stayed there. She formed her own horde, plundering the more civilized corners of the restored plane. She took a savage joy in killing Jund’s dragons, though she knew they weren't as strong as the ones on Tarkir. Gui had her horde resting, with piles of treasure and droves of livestock, in a captured Bant stronghold when she caught wind of a great war brewing on another plane. She left her Bant destrier with her second in command and planeswalked away. [b][color=00aeef]Not a picture of my character[/color][/b] but I wanted to put this here in case anyone hasn't played during the Tarkir block, so you'll have a general idea of what the goblins from that plane are like. [img]http://media.wizards.com/2014/images/daily/goblins_mardu.jpg[/img] [/hider]