Cecil was relieved at the surrender. He was getting less and less sure of their course as the fight went on, and it was a blessing not to have to kill anyone else(if, indeed, any of his bullets had ever [i]hit[/i] anyone). He was getting back up, brushing Brian off with a grateful smile, and holding his gun(which nobody seemed about to take from him anyway) in an awkward, distancing way. As if to show that he didn't really like it all that much. [color=8dc73f]"Burials 'aint gunna be necessary..." [/color] "What does that...?" The thing answered, bursting from the earth to finish eating the humans who were standing above its burrows. It didn't see Junker or Diver, only food. "Oh..." Someone, the one who threw the fire at the start of the fight, was trying to hurt the thing. And what else was there to do? The ATV was useless, and they couldn't outrun the serpent. But... there were the rocks. The creature traveled through the soft earth, the larger rocks might provide some safety... Cecil pointed and tried to raise his voice, but it came out as a croak. He realized how much he had hurt his throat with all of his screaming during the battle. Instead, he kept pointing and waving, and made his way to climb the largest of the cairns he could find, hoping that the beast would at least be unable to tunnel through it.