Even after two years, the feeling of warm sunlight was something Asher was beginning to suspect he would never get used to. The brightness was nearly intolerable and the warmth made his skin crawl. Although that really wasn’t saying much, as just about everything in this backwards land made him feel that way. But it was of little consequence, as his destination was within sight. With him was a small squad of soldiers and their intent was bloody. “They have certainly made quite the eyesore,” Asher noted to himself, taking in the castle before them. Oh it was certainly splendid, what with its bright colors and grand architecture, but it was clear that it was built for form over function. Thankfully, it would make assaulting it only slightly suicidal. Truth be told, Asher wasn’t entirely happy with his little plan, but if there was a chance to end this miserable war, he was willing to take it. “Rhys, Valerie,” he hissed at the two vampires in his small entourage,. “You’re up.” Their job would be simple: cause all sorts of hell on the outskirts of town and draw as many guards away from the castle as possible. Kindness was an all too exploitable characteristic, as the prince was certain that as soon as word got out that the small folk were being killed, the guards would trip over themselves to save them. It did not take long for the screaming to start, which was the only signal Asher and the rest of his cloaked men needed to begin making their way to the castle. “Our objective is the king’s daughter; dispose of anything that gets in our way.”