"Nah, nothing like that," The resting man said to the axe holder. The thing looked grisly. It had been recently used by his reckoning. He didn't care, but it was worth notice. "Bunch of military types told me to come clean up this place because someone heard that her excellency and the... Uh... Dragon boy? Mack or something? Yeah, told me to clean up this place because there was a rumor one of those two were going to be setting up shop here." He explained as another person slipped through the front door. "Huh... That's different," he mumbled, a bit surprised that there was so much activity going on all of the sudden. He guessed the rumors must have been true. It was not long after that another arrived, immediately going into some rant or another. [i]"You imbeciles, the Shepherd's garrison has long been a testament to Chrom and his companions' ardor. I will not stand idle while you and your goons desecrate the greatest reminder of their actions. Your men and yourself will disperse from here and now, regardless of where your orders come from, lest you wish to incur my wrath."[/i] "Eh?" The man looked up, a bit confused by the sudden hostility. "Yeah, so I'm the appointed ground keeper here as of today, so it's less desecration and more cleaning this place up for her excellency and Mack." He said, taking a look at the speaker. A smile crept across his face. "Though I'd be happy to show you all the work I've done, milady," he said, standing with a small bow. Before any chance came for more discussion, yet another arrived, this one carrying more books than was reasonable for someone. "Ah, I've seen you before. You're Mack, then," the swordsman said with a small wave and a smile (Though not one as big as he'd given the threatening woman). "Guess you guys really were going to be using this place then. Still with all the books, eh?" He asked. He'd met the tactician and the exalt exactly once during some joint meeting of the Ylisse military divisions. The most interaction he'd had, of course, was accidentally stealing a meat pie from one of them and getting chewed out, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember if it was Mack's or the exalts. The two had been stuck together like glue, after all. "Been a while."