[@Lord Zee][@Sarcelle Renard][@Meiyuki][@ArenaSnow][@Cuccoruler][@Gate Keeper] All was peaceful until the sudden sounding of the alarms wrang through the air. Then all hell seemed to have broke loose. An intruder had broken into the castle and the sounds of screams and chaos could be heard in the castle town. Octavia stood infront of the king, dagger at the ready, in an effort to protect her father. The king placed his hand on her shoulder. [color=fff200]"Octavia you must flee this place immediately!"[/color] He ordered. [color=ed1c24]"What? No! I can't just leave you all to die!"[/color] [color=fff200]"Please, my child. Should I die, you are the only hope this kingdom has left! I will be fine, my beloved daughter. Now go! Fly!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"But father I-"[/color] [color=fff200]"GO!"[/color] Startled, Octavia took a couple steps back then nodded with a serious look in her eyes. She hurried over to the nearest window and stepped onto the edge, looking down. She looked back hesitantly with a worried look. [color=ed1c24]"I-I'll be back with reinforcements! I promise!"[/color] She said, then took off. [color=fff200]"I know you will. "[/color] The king replied watching her go. He turned his attention back to the soldier's. [color=fff200]" Hold fast, men! Be ready for anything! "[/color] -------------------------------------------------------- Octavia's mind was racing a mile a minute of what was happening. It had all happened so fast that it made it hard to understand it all. However, it was her recklessness that would soon be the doom of her. A sudden pain pulsed through her body like a single heart beat, followed by the hot feeling of blood pour out of her her left wing as an arrow imbedded itself into her wing. For a moment, it felt as all time had stopped. Octavia found herself desperately reaching up to the sky with both hands, as if she was reaching for an invisible hand, before she plummeted down into the forestry and shrubbery below. The vegetation had broke most of her fall and took the lethality. However, a loud, sickening snap could be heard coming from her right wing, followed by another sharp pain. Octavia slowly, desperately picked herself up from the ground and onto her hands and knees, then looked down at her misshapen, bloody wing through one teared up eye. Her body drenched in sweat and her own blood, along with several cuts, gashes, and bruises that were etched into her face andbody. Her clothes had become nothing more than torn raggs. Slowly, ever so slowly, she folded up her wings, letting out a broken scream of pain and agony. She covered her mouth, smothering her screams as tears flowed heavily from her eyes, until she had finally managed to fold her wings completely. Breathing heavily, she used a tree for support herself as she weakly stood up and started to slowly limp until she tried and collapsed on her back, onto the ground once more, causing her wing to unfold and sprawl out on the ground. Her vision had quickly become blurry as her frail body slowly began to bleed out, her glazed over, blank stare met with the open sky that was peeking out through the canopy above. She laid there with exasperated breathes, staring at the sky until all started to fade into darkness.