[@Ace of flames01] Fleur was busy looking for Lucius when she saw it. Against the bright blue sky was a figure. Could that be Lucius? Her wings began to flutter as she took to the skies. Much to her horror, she heard the tell-tale sounds of bow-strings snapping. Quickly she moved to avoid arrows, only to discover that there weren't any. There arrows weren't for her, they were for the figure which seemed now to be faltering. Fleur's heart sunk as the figure plummeted from the sky outside the castle. Whoever had shot the figure would soon be upon it to ensure it's demise. There were only a few light creatures that had wings, fae and angels. She wasn't about to allow one of them to die. With a quick incantation she waved Hector at the sky, filling her path with fog and mist. She heard the arrows wizz by, some of them coming entirely too close. She winced as a final parting shot grazed her wing during her descent. She made her way to the crash site of the fallen ally. Following a short trail of blood, and the sound of soft groans Fleur saw her, not Lucius, but Octavia. Her heart sank. She quickly surveyed the angel's injuries. This wasn't good, blood was pouring from an arrow wound in one wing, and a nasty break in the other. Combined with whatever injuries she could see from the fall. Fortunately it seemed Octavia had taken a tumble through the branches before finding herself on solid ground. Fleur carefully examined the break in the angel's wing, her hands traced the bones in search of any unseen damage. After another quick check for injuries she, set the bones of the angel's wings in place, illiciting a series of screams from Octavia. Fleur was a talented healer, but not quite a master. She wasn't exactly confident in her ability to snatch Octavia back from what she hoped wasn't the brink of death. Gathering up as much power as she could Fleur channeled warm, restorative energy into the angel. [color=ed1c24]"Come on, your people need you, and I do not want to be the one that let you die."[/color] As the glow faded Fleur was confident that Octavia would live. Her wing even looked mostly repaired, but she wasn't quite sure about internal injuries yet. She heard the sound of movements from the woods. Likely drawn by the screams from earlier. Fleur looked back to Octavia. [color=ed1c24]"You good to fly or run or some such?"[/color] She looked towards the wood. [color=ed1c24]"I don't think we've got a lot of time for much else."[/color] [@Ace of flames01][@Lord Zee][@Sarcelle Renard][@ArenaSnow][@Cuccoruler][@Gate Keeper]