[Center][h3][color=662d91]-Livia[/color] and [color=green]Katherine-[/color][/h3][/center] Katherine was a little worried about what the Headmistress was doing. Surely she had students compliment her before? With little option she sat herself where Livia instructed her sitting with her legs pushed together as a lady should and answered the comment. [color=green]"As you can see, there are easily over a dozen hands in this room sans you and I."[/color] She rose a hand and her dolls imitated her. [color=green]"As a student of Montagne Academy, and not to mention my tardiness, I do owe to the head of the school some sort of service as recompense. If it is within my power, I shall acomplish whatever you ask."[/color] If she could get on the Headmistress' good side, then perhaps it could be a better learning experience than attending classes. [color=green]"Also, by human standards at the least, calling you old would be an insult if looks were an indication."[/color] She looked to the side opposite of the headmistress and muttered to herself, [color=green][i]"Unless she took some sort of Elixer of Immortality. Or isn't even a human." [/i][/color] Livia laughed at her statement. [color=662d91]“Well, you certainly know how to flatter someone.”[/color] She took a sip of the tea. This was an interesting little student indeed. She seemed honest with her words, and a loyal pair of hands were always welcome. Especially one such as her that could create even more loyal hands. The teenager was right, though. She wasn’t entirely that old – at least her physical age was only a mere twenty four. [color=662d91]“It’s quite adorable, honestly. Really though,”[/color] She gave Katherine a cool, somewhat suspicious look.[color=662d91] “Whatever I ask, hmm? Even if I asked you to…kill one of those dolls of yours?”[/color] Katherine gave the Headmistress a rather serious look and most of the dolls gave of a reaction of fright, [color=green]"I said I'd do what was within my power. These little dolls are my babies and a part of me. I cannot very well kill a part of myself, now can I?"[/color] She kept her look and didn't show the slight bit of fear with her thought of having to practically murder one of her kin. [color=green]"I hope you can understand that much."[/color] Livia seemed pleased with the answer Katherine gave. [color=662d91]“Oh, of course not.”[/color] She replied with a smile. [color=662d91]“My own spirits are precious too me as well. I would never ask another Sanctus mage to do such a thing. Not unless it was something truly important.”[/color] Loyal servants were good, but servants that were obedient to the point of not being able to think for themselves, were not. Katherine at least, appeared to fall under the latter at the moment. [color=662d91]“So, you know that I am the Head of the school. I like to think I know what goes on at all times in my school. My precious little spirits do a very good job of keeping an eye on things for me. That scuffle other day that fool of an Oni had with the dragon, for instance. They informed me of the event quite quickly.”[/color] She took another sip of the tea, setting the cup on the table before sighing. [color=662d91]“Yet, it is quite difficult to observe them twenty four hours. They only alert me when things either are already happening or have already happened. I may be able to see what they see sometimes, but watching all of them at once is…quite the feat, even for me.”[/color] She gave Katherine a pleasant smile. [color=662d91]“If…I could possibly get some help with watching things from a certain student with some very cute dolls…it would help me out quite a bit. Oh, and do help yourself to the tea if you want.”[/color] Oh yes, Katherine had forgotten about the tea, [color=green]"Pardon me."[/color] She said while grabbing the cup that Livia had poured for her and drank a bit. Despite all other things, she had only really begun drinking tea lately and found it pleasant so she smiled as she downed the drink. [color=green]"I suppose I could help keep watch on things with some of my dolls. They can spread around and keep watch during the daytime, though I'd prefer not to have too many of them out at night."[/color] Most people should not be outside at night so that wouldn't be too bad. [color=green]"Did you need anything specific?"[/color] [color=662d91]“Anything specific…hmm…”[/color] Livia pondered for a moment as she took another sip of the tea. [color=662d91]“Anything that I have is far too dangerous for you to deal with at the moment, and I would hate to lose such a…precious student.”[/color] She chuckled. Really, she didn’t have anything all that specific at the moment. Nothing that a student such as Katherine could handle safely, at least not without a little training. [color=662d91]“That said, perhaps you’d like to simply…help in general? It’d come with a fair share of responsibilities as well – such as making sure the students were behaving and weren’t say, skipping classes and such.”[/color] Katherine would have to trust this woman when she said things were too dangerous. Still, now she felt like... [color=green]"A glorified Academy Truency Officer?"[/color] She couldn't say that it was the most... Flattering thing, still if that is what it took to get on the good side of the Headmistress than it was worth doing. [color=green]"If that is what you want time to do. Speaking of, I believe I saw a boy and a dragon named Sorcha head towards that small town. I've lost track of of my sense of time so I don't know when classes start."[/color] [color=662d91]“Oh yes, Sorcha is a dear friend. I gave her permission to take Lukas out, since it is an agreement between them.”[/color] Sorcha had come to talk to her about it last night. Apparently Lukas and another girl had challenged her to a duel. Amusing really. Seemed Lukas made a bet with the dragon, too. But that didn’t matter. [color=662d91]“But your job won’t be something so simple, Katherine.”[/color] Livia replied. [color=662d91]“Think of it as more of the…head of the student council. We don’t really have one of those, but if you want, I could give you special permission. Discipline students, make sure they’re following rules, generally…making sure they behave.”[/color] She smiled, taking a sip of the tea before setting the empty cup on the desk in front of her. [color=662d91]“Of course, and reporting to me anything…that is happening that could possibly interfere with the day-to-day here.”[/color] [color=green]"Student Council President?"[/color] Katherine asked. Definitely not the position she would imagine being granted. She chuckled a little before summoning a doll from one of her rings and used her magic to turn its arm into a spear. [color=green]"And how did you want me to discipline people? With the pointy end?"[/color] The doll struck forth with a thrust for emphasis. [color=green]"Or should it be a bit more normal bit of discipline with detention and other casual things like that? I'm more inclined to one than the other though I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that one."[/color] The girl laughed a little as she fixed the doll's arm and took it back into her ring. Livia laughed as well. [color=662d91]“No no, I can’t have go around disciplining my precious students in [i]quite[/i] that way.”[/color] The headmistress sighed, shaking her head as she continued. [color=662d91]“I am not fond of violence in general, though unless it accomplishes some greater goal. So yes, detention and other things such as that for now.”[/color] A small smile formed on her face as she continued. [color=662d91]“However, if the students continue to be a problem…then you are allowed to get ‘creative’, if you will.”[/color] [color=green]"That's one of the things that separates us then."[/color] Katherine muttered. Admittedly, Katherine does not appreciate violence directed at her. At others is a different story however. [color=green]"That being said, I suppose I can get 'creative' if the need comes. I'm rather excited over all."[/color] The Puppeteer was rather hoping people would resist but that comes after the other options really. [color=green]"That all in order now, is there anything else you wanted to add? If not I'll figure out classes and scope out the school, find places for dolls to patrol et cetera. I might even need to make more."[/color] She chuckled slightly before turning her whole and undivided attention to the headmistress. Livia hummed quietly, thinking if there was anything else she would need to add here. [color=662d91]“I cannot think of anything else, save to keep an eye on that Oni, Arata.”[/color] She sighed, thinking of his earlier confrontation with Sorcha. [color=662d91]“He seems like a decent fellow, but he is much too violent. I say I wouldn’t mind you being…creative with him, should you need too. Do be careful if you do, though, he is quite strong and would likely prove quite difficult to subdue.”[/color] That said, Livia stood from the couch and made her way back over to her desk and sat in her chair. [color=662d91]"If worse comes to worst, I'll simply deal with him myself, but such a thing would be quite troublesome to deal with really."[/color] [color=662d91]“With that said, I’m not sure there’s much else to discuss. I’ll make sure your position is known by tomorrow to most of the campus. So unless there is something you want, I believe our business is concluded.”[/color] [color=green]"Keep an eye on the Oni 'Arata'. I'll make that my number one priority for now."[/color] Katherine said with a smile across her face. If he was "much too violent" that definitely meant he was sure of his power, at the least. [color=green]"For now, I have nothing else. I do have a few questions but I feel I must first perform my duties. After all, I am still a student. And a student's duties has to do with studying. Perhaps we can talk again later, Headmistress, over coffee or tea again."[/color] With that she finished her cup of tea and stood up, motioning for all of her dolls to follow her with a the words, [color=green]"Come now,"[/color] muttered loud enough for one to hear. [color=green]"If I see anything, I'll send one of my dolls here to inform you. Until next time."[/color] The dollmaster turned and gave a slight curtsy alongside all of her dolls before leaving. [color=662d91]“Indeed, if you need any help at all, do inform me. I shall do my best to assist you.”[/color] With that, the force that was holding the door close disappeared, and allowed Katherine to leave.