[H1][center][Color=pink]Aurora[/color][/center][/h1] Opening her blue eyes to a grey ceiling, Aurora let out a long yawn, stretching her arms towards the sky and blinking the sleepiness away from her blue orbs. Another day of adventure, that's how she saw it. Rolling out of bed, she opened the blinds of her window to look out towards the sky. What a beautiful day. No clouds in the sky, the sun is up, shining brightly, an angel is falling through the air. With a shrug, the brunette goes towards her kitchen to make some coffee, until her thoughts caught up with her. Angel. Falling through the air. Crap. The fairy quickly dashed to her wardrobe, pulling out her soldier uniform and donning the armor that came with it as fast as she could. Almost forgetting her axes as she started to bolt for the door, she went back to grab them, then took flight from her housing to see what the heck was happening. It was chaos everywhere. The intruder sirens were blaring, people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Looking over the situation, Aurora had to sigh. As much as she would want to help out the angel, she wasn't sure where they landed. Plus, the civilian's needed help, and she didnt see many soldiers out right now. She dived downwards to the middle of one of the large groups of civilians, shouting out for everyone to halt. Those who did hear her over the cacophony did so, while others only followed suit when they noticed her uniform. [Color=pink]"Please, remain calm!"[/color] She spoke out loudly to those who would listen. [Color=pink]"Head to the castle, you will be protected by the soldiers there!" [/color]Not everyone had heard her, but those that did hear her started to head to the castle, as well as instructing those that had been panicking while she spoke. Aurora sighed in relief. That's one group down. She flies back into the sky again, surveying everything within her sight to find either another large group of panicking people, or hopefully the perpetrator of the madness. She finally found something, but she sort of wished she hadn't. A large procession of cloaked men, walking through the chaos like it was common scenery, along with the only man not wearing a cloak, but had the surprising features of two black wings that jutted out of his back. As much as she wanted to end all Children of the Dark, this was impossibly insane. Gulping down the saliva that had built up in her throat at the sight, she started to descend once more, landing right in front of the large procession with as much courage as she could muster. Damn it, she had a job to do, no matter how freaking suicidal it was at this moment in time. Her hands drifted to the axes at her sides, as she called out to whom she believed as the head honch with striking bravado. [Color=pink]"Come no closer, or I'll gut you and your entire entourage!"[/color] She knew for a fact that there was no possible way that she could pull off her threat single-handedly, but all she had to do was stall and hope for reinforcements. ...Maybe they'll actually take the bait and leave peacefully? [@Sarcelle Renard]