The plan had been going far too well. The guards had already been in disarray when Asher and company approached the castle. Guards were already sounding alarms and almost didn’t notice cloaked group moving through the chaos, although the few that did were silenced before too much of a fuss could be made. Gut instinct told the prince that there was another force at work, but circumstances prevented him from dwelling on it for long. Too much could go wrong if he allowed himself to be distracted. You know, such as their target flying away, as his marksman was all too kind to point out to him. [color=slategray]“Clip her wing,”[/color] Asher ordered the eagle eyed werewolf tersely. A brief nod was the only response he got as the werewolf knocked his arrow and fired. The gorgeous weather was proving to be this lands downfall, as the lack of wind ensured the arrow found its mark and sent the angel spiraling down into the forest below. All things considered, there should be no feasible way for the angel to get away as long as Asher got to her in a timely manner. That said though, there was no way he and his men would be able to fight their way to her before somebody else stumbled upon her. With a quick tug, Asher’s cloak was thrown to the ground.[color=slategray] “The plan’s changed. I’m going after the girl, you all fall back and regroup with Uriel.”[/color] If everything had gone right on his end, the demon general should be arriving at the gates at any moment, ready to assist with their escape. The general had expressed his fair share of displeasure with the prince’s plan, but it seemed to be awfully difficult to say no to royalty. [color=slategray]“I should be along shortly, but tell him-“[/color] His words were cut off by the sound of a fairy landing in front of him and his troops, who all had their weapons drawn and were ready for a fight. This audacious fairy then threatened to gut all of them single handedly. Despite himself, Asher found a small grin forming on his mouth. [color=slategray]“Didn't anyone ever teach you the difference between bravery and stupidity?”[/color] he asked the gung-ho fairy, but before she could answer he turned to his men and said, [color=slategray]“I’m off. If this suicidal light child comes after me, take her out of the sky.”[/color] And with that, he unfurled his dark wings and took to the sky. Time was of the essence. With any luck, the princess would still be alone and recovering from her fall. Unfortunately, the young prince knew better than to expect life to play that nicely, so instead he prepared himself for another battle. The sun was high and shining bright, the air pleasantly caressing his face, and now more than ever Asher was ready to be done with this place.