Your expression hardens, becoming as the mountain in it's stoniness. Working your vocal chords masterfully, you drop your spoken tone a full octave and add some [i]resonance[/i] to it for effect. [color=fff79a]"Right."[/color] you rumble from on high, gazing imperiously down at the girl. [color=fff79a]"But [i]only[/i] if you promise to not tell a soul we were up here too. You can do that, can't you?"[/color] An awkward silence passes between the three of you, before your bro, ever the champion of females in distress, shatters it and the illusion you were creating. [color=8493ca]"Come on, man, quit messing with her."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Oh fiiiiiine."[/color] is your insolent response, before the smile returns as if it never left. [color=fff79a]"I can't help it, Senhime's too adorable to not mess with a [i]little[/i]! You saw how she lit up like a neon sign, right?"[/color] [color=8493ca]"W-well yeah, but..."[/color] O[i]ho[/i]? Were you sensing a chink in the armor? He clears his throat, and appears to compose himself. [color=8493ca]"Be that as it may—" [/color] [color=fff79a]"That's an admission of agreeing with me!"[/color] Now his is the hard expression.[color=8493ca]"[i]Don't[/i] make me punch you."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Hehe."[/color] He raises his fist as a warning. You reason it's more for Senhime's sake than yours, since you typically skipped straight to comical brawls when it was just the two of you involved. In a rare moment of following a decision path known as "wise", you heed it. Probably for her sake too. You could take him if you wanted. 49:50, after all... [color=fff79a]"Well, you said it, Senhime-chan! Best get moving!"[/color] you crow merrily, jaunting up the stairs and taking the lead.