[center][h2]A First[/h2][/center] [center] Viciousmarrow, Wind Wild, [/center] [center]Ludelle Glowren, Izual Anzhela[/center] [center]Day 3, Noon[/center] It took no more than thirty seconds into their interaction for Ludelle’s jaw to drop limply and her eyes to widen in disbelief. Sadly at that point her hand was being held hostage and made escape rather tricky. [i]Another creep![/i] was her instant thought and it had nothing to do with his undeniably cute face and all to do with the fact that last time someone had been so smooth it ended violently. Her eyes shot to Calder in panic, only to find that he wasn’t at her side, possibly for the first time ever since she’d met him. [i]Way to go, pigface, [b]now[/b] you abandon me![/i] And then Izual spoke and his voice was soft as silk and just as gentle and he’d obviously either missed, or completely [i]disregarded[/I] the shock on her face as he spoke of her smile. Had she even smiled? Bad move, that only encourages the creeps further! But… Her shoulders relaxed a little as she took in the suit and figure underneath. He was actually very handsome. Back in the old days that was all the excuse she’d needed, so what was different now? Some stupid trauma and the fact that for once it wasn’t her making the first step? No, she was done with the past, she was living in the present now. And in the present a delicious éclair was offering himself freely. A frown crossed her face but when it passed what replaced it was a small, deceivingly shy smile. Men were fools for shy. “Um… Thank you.” She made an effort to blush a little, stroking the hand he had kissed, pursing her full pink lips ever so slightly. “So do you.” Her voice was somehow sweeter now. So what if this was a wedding, it’s not like they were all over each other yet, so what’s wrong with a little flirting? Even Calder must agree if he’d left her to it, watching from afar. “I feel privileged to have seen it.” And she raised her eyes to Izual again and the faint glow of electricity sparked around her pupils in a mesmerizing display of shifting blue, grey and silver.