Onweer’s eyes widened at the sight of the creature and she scurried to the ground, not over-eager to attract [i]that[/i] kind of attention to herself. She quickly wrapped the feathered scarf tight around her neck to prevent it from flapping in the wind like an injured bird. She glanced at Jenso, appreciating that there were some Divers crazy enough to want to try and fight that thing and frowned in regret at not being one of them anymore. If she could still summon her windy beast she stood a chance but not without it. Cursing at CMAS for their stupid plan to raid no-man’s land with no plan whatsoever and cursing at the Divers for demolishing the ATV’s canon she turned to Yvette and Karida in turn. All humour had drained from her features and suddenly she looked at least five years older and extremely serious. “Can any of the projectiles used by the canon be activated manually?” She then turned to the Divers’ leader. “And do you and your squad have any bright ideas or did your plan also only go as far as bashing your fists into things?” The aggression in her voice conveyed annoyance but also fear. She wasn’t ready to die yet.