[@Narcotic Dollie][@Meiyuki][@Ace of flames01][@Sarcelle Renard] As Livia awaited the witch's reply she suddenly felt an immense longing rise inside her. Death, pain, loss they were swirling nearby. Livia focussed her thoughts, a child of light? Yes… yes… fallen barely able to stand… [color=8493ca]'Good bye little lamb'[/color] came the sinister whisper as Livia prepared to leave. She reconstituted herself a horrific shadow creature forming before the witches eyes. With macabre glee she let out a shriek that resonated of death and anguish and shot forward, flying through the witch and onwards towards the swirling vortices of death that tugged at her mind. Livia travelled fast, her shadowy figure flitting between trees and shrubs at incredible speed. Whilst she couldn't fly she could move just as fast as any flying beast and that was when she came upon them. The clearing was small and one of the figures was clearly wounded, the other seemed to Livia to be unhurt. Clearly this was a person of import then, a cold and malicious smile formed behind her hood. [color=8493ca]'What have we here?[/color] she inquired, [color=8493ca]'A lost bird and her keeper perhaps?'[/color] That was when Livia noted the clothes worn by the uninjured figure. Clearly a warrior of some sort, young by her standards, they'd be just another fool to serve her in death. Livia extended her right arm, her outwardly skeletal appendage seemed to bleed shadows into the air as it slipped out of her shifting robes. The long black bones that served in place of fingers began to curl as Livia's wraith blade began to form. She liked the feeling of the long blade in her grip, it was one of the few things she could touch these days, and whilst it served as a sad reminder of what she had once been, it was also a symbol of what she hoped to become. [color=8493ca]'Stand aside mortal'[/color] pronounced Livia her voice a shifting chorus of whispers that seemed to permeate the clearing. She raised her other arm, equally skeletal a single finger extended pointing to the wounded angel before her. [color=8493ca]'She is coming with me.'[/color]