[center][h3][color=A9A9A9]Uriel Havoc[/color][/h3][/center] Uriel wasn't entirely sure on what had drove the prince to plan such an event so suddenly. He had just returned from that little trip yesterday with the princess incident and he already heard of a battle meeting and the prince was the one leading it. With no hesitation whatsoever, he hurried towards the meeting. He listened intently and it was quite risky. Should he have captured Octavia while he had the chance, they wouldn't be here right now. Yet, something in his gut told him otherwise. There were three fully capable people against one general, no matter how experienced he was, he was bound to fail. And so here he was, with his legion behind him. He had waited for the signal. It wasn't much of a unique signal. When the screams were heard, Uriel had quickly unsheathed his sword and then pointed towards the gates. He didn't need to speak, of course not, everyone understood what he meant. Werewolves shifted, Vampired have charged, the few Phantoms and Reapers that they had fought with them as well. The gate was open, welcoming them. The legion practically scattered but were still in Uriel's vision. They started to cause havoc throughout so that they would be able to make a distraction for their prince to return safely. Uriel, himself, was already advancing towards the castle grounds where the rest of the men were located. They said to regroup there and then safely take them back. His eyes searched for their prince within the group and yet he was not present. Someone came to him and told him of the circumstances and to fall back. But not before clipping this fairy's wings if she ever attempted to follow the young prince. [color=A9A9A9]"It is you who should fall back young child of Fae."[/color] Uriel's voice boomed acting as an intimidation, warning the fairy as he pointed the sword towards her. This was a battlefield and his orders were certain. Should Aurora not flee from battle, he would be forced to fight her. His morals cannot be upheld in this place. There was nothing more that would make the general happier than to fall back and return to their side of the border. Hopefully, the crown prince already held the princess. His eyes remained on the fairy while the rest of his legion and the prince's entourage held off the remaining civilians. Their screams filled the place. [@RiverMaiden]