[color=blue][center][h1][b][u]Peter Hasselbaink[/u][/b][/h1] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/6e770147daf508ff53fa81eb187382ec/tumblr_o0538j3yci1sgo9goo8_500.gif[/img] [h1]Camp Half~Blood[/h1][/center] [hr] The girl was certainly...excitable. Catching her gently he was surprised at the brief kiss and the closeness but also took it in his stride and chuckled, more warmly this time, at the situation. This was someone who seemed she was going to drag him into enjoying the camp even if it killed him. Not that he minded, sometimes one person leading the way was good at the beginning. Her conversing with the hastily disappearing centaur told Peter this girl had been around a while, which he didn't mind and so his trust in her judgements were more concrete. If perhaps her judgements needed some deciphering. Her comment about the dream was amusing and he chuckled again. He felt this girl -Arianna- could have a full blown conversation with him for days, without him even having to say a word. He shook her hand, firmly enough but not actually squeezing. Before raising an eyebrow and smiling at her closeness and obvious energy. "Ermm...I was told my bag is already at my cabin. So I suppose there last maybe? Ermmm I guess where I eat and where I can get a map might help. And the gossip can go in between the showing me around." He smiled, he already felt a little calmer now. Despite her energy Arianna was oddly soothing. Almost like he spent so much time keeping up with her, he didn't have time to worry. As she lead the pair away, Peter was more than happy to follow. "Cute little curly-haired healer? I don't know about that..." He smiled. "Right now I am a tourist learning his way around. I mean, how long did it take you to get acquainted with the whole area? I know four people. You, Chiron, Argus and Dio-Mr. D." Peter corrected himself. "Relative to this place I haven't got a clue." His feet managed to keep up with Arianna's as they walked away. Hell. Even if he learned nothing today, he got to walk arm in arm with a pretty girl. At the latter parts of his holidays back outside of camp, that was a triumph during the day.[/color]