Aurora watched the leader of the invaders take flight, not taking his threat to have her strung with dozens of arrows lightly. A small frown tugs at her face, as there was still a large group of Dark Children infront of her. She did wonder though, why did their leader leave the army to go after something else? Didn't they come here to raize the city to the ground? As she pondered the situation, a man that seemed to be the general of sorts came out of the crowd, threatening her with his sword and advising retreat. Wait. What? Why was he giving her a chance to flee? Didn't they want to- Then it struck her like a lightning bolt. They weren't here for the city. If they were, they would have killed her the moment she had arrived. They had a different purpose. They were here for the angel. Having no choice, she raises her hands as if in surrender... Then fires an blast of pure light high into the sky, which exploded in a large, vibrant orb of colors. If none of the soldiers of Light saw that, they were obviously more distracted with something else of great importance. Aurora pulled her axes from her loops, twirling them within her hands as she readied herself to fight, a maniac grin stretching across her face in anticipation. There was no way the enemy was going to let her go after signalling her allies, and if she couldn't leave to save the angel, then she would fight and drive the invaders back. [Color=pink]"Let's play!"[/color] she shouted to the general with childish glee, lifting off the ground and flying straight towards him with her left Axe crossing her body, ready for a horizontal swing. Her right Axe stayed ready close to her body, ready to block any retaliation from the Child of Dark. She briefly took the chance to dodge a few arrows shot by the archers, but reached her target with no injury, loosing her attack onto his left side. If her attack was blocked, then she would just have to flit back for a moment to go from a different angle. Her earlier fears, her hesitation, the enemy's numbers, it didn't matter, she was just happy to be fighting again. If any of the other soldiers from the Dark tried to interfere, she would retaliate with extreme prejudice. [@Polaris North]