[center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]Giant Snake Land[/sub][/center] Jenso's flame wave didn't do very much to deter the snake, although it did adjust the angle, moving further down instead of just below the surface. Which didn't seem to accomplish much in the grand scheme of things, as it only took a few moments for the beast to break the surface once more, shooting up beneath a stray Diver who hadn't gotten onto some sort of higher ground fast enough, like a shark taking a surfer. For such a small bite though, it seemed like burrowing carried a lot of momentum, as it rose up several stories before swiveling its head around once more, hissing at the air, tongue flicking out between its many teeth. It was tasting the air, seeking out more of the invasive prey who were trying to work around its subterranean senses. Their footsteps were quieter now, on top of places that it couldn't feel beneath the earth. It wasn't going to be long though. The beast would sniff them out, and take them out one by one if that weapon didn't come online soon. And if they didn't find a better way to distract it, there might not be many people left to save once that cannon was ready to fire. [hr] [center][h2]Arcadia[/h2] [sub]CMAS HQ - Sydney's Quarters[/sub][/center] Mina Neve brushed a bang away from her face before placing two fingers on her temple, closing her eyes for a moment. [color=moccasin]"Utter chaos, Sydney. The designated location was accurate, and the Xena Serpent is ravaging among their ranks as we speak. The ATV's weapon may or may not still be in order, but otherwise it seems as though they lack anything with enough power to subdue the beast before it tears them apart. Our friend is confident that everything is going well."[/color] She sighed, taking her own seat at the table. She opened her eyes as she removed her fingers from her temple, ending her psychic link with their source. She began to pour herself a cup of tea, her eyes trailing to the unnerved Joshua, and a faint giggle escaped her. [color=moccasin]"Do relax, Mr. Joshua. You have played your part excellently. You'll be rewarded well, if this all falls into place properly."[/color]