[center][h3]Indentured servitude is the #1 cause of nosebleed related deaths - Part 2[/h3] [color=f26522]Lukas[/color] and [color=aba000]Sorcha[/color] [color=aba000]“Hmm, you think me so dishonorable not to give you an even chance, Lukas?”[/color] Sorcha replied, not using her little title for him for whatever reason. The dragon chuckled softly, shaking her head in a very nonchalant manner. It was clear she thought she knew the outcome of this little duel already. Hopefully though, that wouldn’t stop Lukas from trying. It would be rather disappointing otherwise. That, and if he impressed her regardless whether he won or not, she’ rescind her command anyways, even if she wasn’t able to use her natural talents. [color=aba000]“I won’t be using my lightning or flying. Didn’t intend too.”[/color] She waved away his blade as well. If she had one of those, there was a good chance she’d likely kill the boy on accident since she intended to be completely serious in this fight, and not holding back like she was last night. [color=aba000]“ And I appreciate the offer, Lukas, but if I had one of those you’d already be dead.”[/color] With a confident smirk, the dragon took a relaxed, but obviously defensive posture. With a breath, she motioned for Lukas to attack first. [color=aba000]“Shall you start, then?”[/color] Lukas stood there, a statue to the wind as she responded. His lively eyes almost seemed despondent, almost as if he gave up before this whole spiel began. [color=f26522]"I do not; I only wish to reinstate the rules so neither of us makes a blunder; precaution if you will it."[/color] Looking at the dragon who was paced away from him, he stood there, unwavering, only responding on a moments notice. He nodded as she agreed to not to use any of her abilities, however... [color=f26522][i]"Lightning dragon, eh? Well then, thank you for that little tidbit, at least I have a better idea of what you did last night,"[/i][/color] he said, locking the contents of her words away in his mind as she brushed his sword off to the side. Noticing this, he gave her a nod, his gaze unwavering as the sword immediately turned to attention and impaled the tree once more with the steel. [color=f26522]"Hmph, alright then."[/color] It seemed he wasn't as perturbed any more, even with the woman's claims that she would downright destroy him with the blade. Once more it was time to fight. [color=f26522]"No more analytical bs then, no more acting like a jester,"[/color] he muttered as he glared at the woman. Lukas was completely fixated on Sorcha - nothing bedazzled him about her, nothing distracted him from the battle ahead. Regardless... [color=f26522]"Time to fight then... Let's start."[/color] Suddenly, Lukas dashed forward at the dragon, headstrong in his advance. His pace was sped up as he continued, before attempting to slice downward on Sorcha with a quick overhead strike. [color=f26522][i]"She'll either... or... maybe..."[/i][/color] Ah. Such a rookie move, heading headlong into an attack recklessly. She had made many attacks like that in quite the similar situation ages ago. How nostalgic, one might say. It would be, if the thought also didn’t feel her with a slowly boiling rage, at least. Still, this boy had nothing to do with that and taking out any anger on him would be wrong. Brushing the thought aside, Sorcha made her move. A simple overhead strike. Easy enough to take care of, since there was an overwhelming difference in physical strength here. Using her left hand, she grabbing Lukas’ wrist, using his forward momentum against him. She pulled him, placing her right hand on his back, shoving him forwards and tripping him in the process. [color=aba000]“Now, you’re going to have to do better than that, Lukas.”[/color] As he began the descent, he felt his left wrist being gripped. Before he knew it, his own body was being used against him. His headstrong abaddon caused the woman to swiftly shove him forward, tripping him in the process. Despite this, he looked mildly surprised for the most part before returning to the former state he was in. He wasn't smiling, however, he was hoping for one thing. At this stage, it was difficult to perform a dive roll of some sort, but he could manage something as his body was about to eat the pavement. Keeping an eye on the dragon, Lukas jammed his other arm forward with his palm outward. As soon as his hands hit the ground, he used the rest of the momentum that threw him forward to lead him into a roll. While he ended up further than intended, he finished by springing up and swinging his sword to throw his speed in the same direction, twisting him around. Jamming his left foot back to decrease the knock back, Lukas noted he was a few meters away from the dragon, his target not even close to where he intended to strike. Still, it was better than slamming is rib cage onto the ground, because god knows it is still a bit tender. [color=f26522]"Hmph,"[/color] he snorted, as he jumped back a foot, gazing at Sorcha, before diving into it again. As he ran, he signaled his next attack by holding his sword close to his body, preparing to thrust forward. As he approached at a fleeting rate, Lukas shifted the sword forward slightly before swiftly pivoting around, switching to a sideways slice as the sword in the opposite direction. Well, he certainly knew how to regain his footing, but if it was against more than one opponent, he’d be a dead man. Still, it was good enough for now. His following movements though….she had to sigh. Slow and cumbersome. It couldn’t really even be called a proper feint. His movements were too easy to read, not to mention that pivot was completely unnecessary. If he hadn’t have done that, she might have actually had to dodge. He added such unnecessary movements. Once again, she grabbed his sword wrist, completely unmoved by his feint. She simply smiled, before squeezing. [i]hard.[/i] [color=aba000]“If that’s the best you have, Lukas, then I’m disappointed.”[/color] She sighed. [color=aba000]“I was expecting more from a fool who walked right into a dragons den, then had the audacity to challenge an order from them.”[/color] With her free hand, the dragon grabbed Lukas’ on the same side as his sword arm, and pulled him, spinning once as she made sure to keep a firm grip on his sword wrist. As soon as she had completed one full spin, she released her grip on the boy. Lukas was up close and personal and he felt the need to make this quick if he wanted to end the battle. He heralded no care for the dragons personal comments, nor the rising disappointment in her voice, instead, focusing on the mere milliseconds he had. Swiftly, he seized her arm with his left hand, holding on to her wrist with an iron grip as Sorcha let go of his sword hand. Using that grip, Lukas swiftly tugged himself forward, utilizing the speed himself and his sword, Lukas shoved his sword forward, making it look like he was thrusting... before letting go of the blade, causing the weapon to be launched towards Sorcha's torso. [color=f26522]"Checkmate,"[/color] Lukas mumbled as his face returned to its nonchalant self. As the sword was released, he threw a fist towards the arm Lukas was grappling onto, intending to force an ultimatum on her - stop his fist from smashing her arm, or block the steel from making contact with her body. As he did this, Lukas swung the rest of his weight downwards, attempting to settle down on the ground once again. Well. That was not something Sorcha had expected. Turns out he wasn’t hopeless after all, then. Still, a move like that wasn’t going to be the end of it. The dragon had been impressed, though. She hadn’t expected something like that from the human. She’d have to dodge the blade, and block the fist. Or at least dodge in a fashion that meant she could avoid getting hit. So, the dragon jumped, putting as much strength into her legs as she could. Even without the help of her wings, she was able to get a good few feet off the ground, enough to angle her body horizontally to avoid the blade. In the same instant, she used her free hand to grab not his wrist, but his shoulder. Using her upward momentum, the sudden act changed her trajectory as her momentum carried her over the boy. His little blow would probably miss. There wasn’t much he could do to account for such a sudden change. [color=aba000]“Checkmate?”[/color] She laughed as she passed the boy. The next instant the hand on his shoulder tightened, and as she landed gracefully the dragon once again tossed the boy over her head in the opposite direction of his sword. [color=aba000]“I’ll admit, that was a fairly good strategy, but such a half-baked scheme is only going to get you killed. Now you don’t even have a weapon.”[/color] Before he knew it, Lukas was flying over the woman's head with his arm still firmly attached to her wrist. Weighing the options, it would either lead Sorcha to slamming him into the ground or him arcing his body in an attempt to smash into her. Either way, one thing was for certain - he was going to have a difficult time obtaining his sword. Deciding not to give in to the low odds, he went with option C and let go as soon as Sorcha finished the action. He flew some distance, but still was within her sights and she to him. Bending his knees and leaning over slightly, he skid on the ground as soon as he landed, keeping balance, somewhat difficultly with him stumbling a bit, but he managed. Dusting himself up, he looked over at Sorcha who commented on him lacking a weapon. [color=f26522]"Lady Sorcha, I still can use my weapon you know."[/color] Eyeing the blade, he formulated a quick idea as he sprinted shortly after that light comment. Sorcha was going to probably be guarding his sword vehemently, dissuading him from any attempts with grapples and tosses. Once he neared the dragon Lukas put his eyes all on her, launching his fist at the woman in the most rookie-like manner he could. This was one hell of a gamble, but from the looks of it, it was a much higher chance than seeing if he could swing into her or get a couple of broken bones. At this point, Lukas felt he had an idea over how she would react - grasp at his wrist when the time came. [color=f26522][i]"Come one, try snatching me again, see where it gets you this time Sorcha..."[/i][/color] Another attack like that, then? He was seriously attacking her head on? Had he not learned his lesson? No…something was wrong here. She could feel it. Lukas wasn’t as much of an idiot as he tried to make himself out to be. This was going to be a feint or something, she was fairly sure. So…she should dodge here, and not attempt to grapple him. …still, she was curious as to what exactly he was going to do. So she humored him, and grabbed his wrist once again. As Sorcha attempted to grapple him, Lukas quickly set his plan into motion, quickly turning the tides by opening up his fist and grasping at her wrist. Using the momentum from his acceleration forward, Lukas quickly pulled himself closer to the dragon. As he did that, he went into an uppercut with his free fist, forcibly moving it at a swift rate. If everything went as planned... Lukas kept his poker face as he underwent this endeavor. Well, that was not quite what the dragon had been expecting. Good, he was learning just a little then. Chances were, this was simply a feint, and she should counter instead of dodging. But well, now where would the fun in that be? He was doing fairly well, too, after a little warm up. It’d be a shame not to see what exactly he was capable of. So, the dragon dodged, sidestepping far enough to put just enough distance between her and Lukas’ uppercut. Excellent! It seemed to go off with a hitch... somehow. After this whole spiel, Lukas wasn't exactly sure whether or not this little feint would work, but had some confidence that he could pull off the rest of the technique. As Sorcha shifted to the side to divert herself from Lukas, he squeezed her wrist temporarily, before letting go. Using the combined momentum of his dash and her sidestep, Lukas then followed up by grabbing her wrist once more before she could fully land on the ground. He had fractions to overcome, knowing that once her other foot landed, it would be much more difficult to get her off balance. Lukas swiftly put the leg that was closest to Sorcha's unfixed leg, Lukas quickly swept his own foot, knocking it away from where she was going to land. Making sure it would render her unstable, he shifted his weight in the same direction as her, attempting to pull her wrist back so her stride would get an unneeded oomph that could knock her off balance. Well. That was certainly amusing. The dragon stumbled, though didn’t fight it. She fell right to the ground, landing flat on her stomach as she was unable to regain her balance. If Lukas hurried, he could get that hit in he wanted too so badly. Probably. Alright, now this is getting to be a bit fishy the more he thought on it, though he kept to himself for the most part. This was waaaay too easy, along with the facet that she didn't bother fighting back, despite the chance of possible response in resistance. Something was up the more he swiftly pondered on it as Sorcha came crashing to the ground. It was almost as if she was attempting to goad him into "finishing the job" as she lied there. Sure, in a way that sweep did count as a blow, but... hum... try for a second hit out of curiosity or just let it lie. Lukas swiftly turned around and bolted for his steel after letting go of her wrists, deciding on what he considered the safer option. There were too many hazards in play, ranging from her own tail, to wings, and even hand. Sorcha by all means was still a threat, even lying on the ground, and haphazardly throwing a punch in an attempt to "end" the spar was... not something he felt content with... because implications. Immediately, he snatched his sword, and quickly lurched forward, attempting to accomplish one last thing. As he got close, he briskly did a lunge with his sword, adding a spin attack afterwords. Either way, this task had reached the apex of completion. As he went through with this procedure, Lukas did his best to keep a devout eye on the dragon, not knowing what simple or complex trick she might pull from her stark scales. So, a feint to trip her so he could retrieve his sword in an attempt to finish her off? Well. It was certainly a good strategy. Against any other opponent, it could have very well worked. Unfortunately for Lukas, she wasn’t such an easy opponent even in her currently weakened condition. Before he could even get his lunge attack off, she moved. She pressed her hands to the ground, and in a rather impressive acrobatic display she pushed herself into a handstand, spinning her body she pushed off the ground and landed on her feet facing Lukas. Both his lunge and his spin attack missed completely. [color=aba000]“Stumble me, and then go for the kill when I was down, hmm?”[/color] The dragon smiled. [color=aba000]“That was quite a good strategy. Would have probably worked on a much less skilled opponent.”[/color] She gave a flap of her wings, creating quite the gust of wind. [color=aba000]“I will give you this one chance to surrender, Lukas. You have sufficiently impressed me.”[/color] She continued with a nod of approval. [color=aba000]“But your skill is nowhere near enough to best me. If you wish to continue, then I will show you just how outclassed you are here, Lukas.”[/color] Being pushed back by the flurry, Lukas attempted his best to hold his ground, using his steel blade as a somewhat ineffective shield as he held the smooth part to his hand. Looks like he got his answer with the failed blow... regardless. Returning back to the way he was before the start of the battle, his eyes were livelier as they were before, reducing all traces of seriousness to ashes. He knew this battle was over long before either of them attempted to strike back. [color=f26522]"Apologies Lady Sorcha, but this battle had already ended..."[/color] Standing his ground, he continued stating his piece of the argument as she flapped on. [color=f26522]"The terms were I had to land a blow on you - with what, was never specified,"[/color] he sounded displeased, but with what matter exactly? [color=f26522]"I struck your leg with my foot, tripping you over..."[/color] Lukas finished his sentiment, gazing over the woman as he started up again, once more with something else. It could be interpreted that tripping her counted as a blow, though Sorcha didn’t count it. Perhaps she should have specified the terms just a bit more, but it seemed it didn’t matter. Lukas was already beating himself up over losing, which made the dragon sigh. She wasn’t going to bash his interpretation of what a ‘hit’ was at the moment. She’d save that for a later date. [color=f26522]"Regardless on if you choose to respect that as a blow or not, it seems this battle has met its end,"[/color] Lukas let out a solemn sigh, keeping his eyes firmly placed on Sorcha. [color=f26522]"In the time we shared, you gave me a second reminder of how much more I have to go."[/color] Swiftly nodding, he kept speaking. [color=f26522]"This demonstration is over for both of us, whether I met your demands or not; I abscond from this spar,"[/color] he declared, implying that he had in fact, surrendered, giving victory to Sorcha. [color=aba000]“Lukas,”[/color] She quietly said. [color=aba000]“While it is true that you have much more to learn, you are already quite skilled. I have walked upon this earth for nearly two thousand years. I was taught swordsmanship by King Arthur when I was but a child. Since then I have only perfected and mastered my physical abilities. Consider things…You did very well, did you not?”[/color] She smiled, walking over to Lukas and placing a hand on his shoulder. [color=aba000]“Both last night and right now, you displayed some excellent swordsmanship and adaptability in combat.”[/color] Bring his head to level with Sorcha's, he was quite surprised to see her very appreciative of the way he handled himself, all things considered. It made him feel a bit better, despite his own harsh criticism over how he inadequately reacted in battle. Lukas gave the dragon a slight smile at the encouragement induced from her. [color=f26522]"That means a lot coming from you Lady Sorcha; thank you,"[/color] he spoke softly as she put an hand on him. A bit more tranquil, he let the blade in his hand go, letting it defy gravity as he pleased. [color=f26522]"... but to be fair, even if i did display those things, I'm not the type to easily be that satisfied with myself,"[/color] he spoke, chuckling a bit. [color=f26522]"I have my own reasons for that, but above all, I won't be happy with my skills nor my strength until they reach the what I consider an acceptable standard... which may or may not seem a bit unrealistic currently."[/color] He could feel his heart beating somewhat strongly for the most part, albeit harder and harder as the boy gave a wide smile to Sorcha. He had his own reasons for wanting to get strong? Curious. He reminded her a bit of herself when she was younger, though her goal of becoming a ‘Grand Dragon’ probably wasn’t the same at all as whatever Lukas was wanting. Sorcha fell silent for only a moment when the boy smiled at her. He certainly seemed like he wanted something. Well. Perhaps she could finally make that offer she was thinking about making. [color=aba000]“Lukas. I have been debating something since you challenged me last night.”[/color] The dragon began, looking over to where some of his swords had been placed. [color=aba000]“It is not often I get challenged by a human. The last to do it, was Headmistress Livia some twenty odd years ago.”[/color] The dragon spoke, walking over to Lukas as she gave him a friendly smile. [color=aba000]“You are skilled with a blade and you have a goal to work towards. You are far from a master, however, and your current skill would never allow you entry into the gates of Valhalla. So I will do something for you very few people in this world have had a chance too.”[/color] Sorcha then extended a hand to him. [color=aba000]“If thou wish it, I will train you and turn you into a fine warrior capable of slaying even the mightiest dragon.”[/color] Lukas was a bit taken back by the dragons offer of training him, as a sort of master and apprentice sort of way from what he identified. While he did appreciate the offer (and would most likely take it up), he felt that it was inordinate for him to make the request... especially with some of her previous reactions to him. That seemed to erase most of the doubt and disappointment over himself, easing him into a much more comfortable position. Lukas' smile became more genuine, a streak of determination was in his eyes, willing, unrelenting, wanting. [color=f26522]"I would have to truly be a foolish person to deny such an offer, Lady Sorcha,"[/color] Lukas spoke boldly, nodding his head, displaying his agreement to the task. Stepping up to the plate, he further gave his willingness to learn by grabbing her extended hand, firmly grasping it as he looked at Sorcha. [color=f26522]"You're someone who has lived through countless battles and have knowledge that extends beyond my years, so..."[/color] Lukas almost looked somewhat giddy with excitement, making it difficult to keep his jubilant feelings in check as he accepted her proposal. [color=f26522]"I accept your proposal Lady Sorcha; maybe once I become strong enough, I might be able to pierce your lustrous heart."[/color] Lukas gave her a mischievous wink with a short chortle as he gazed over her. [color=f26522]"Regardless, I look forward to these training sessions where I hone my skill, body, and mind under you; thank you for giving me such a privilege m'lady."[/color] His tender smile, nor good mood would have a difficult time fading, especially after this whole spiel. After all, flesh will always be stronger than steel. The comment about ‘piercing her heart’ made the dragon laugh loudly. Her grip on Lukas’ own hand tightened considerably, probably enough to make the human very uncomfortable. [color=aba000]“Wow that was terrible.”[/color] She replied, her laughing dying down quickly after making the statement. [color=aba000]“Piercing my heart is gonna take a lot more work than you’re capable of, Lukas.”[/color] He had impressed her so far though, so who knows? Maybe he could, but it would be difficult for him to at best. She gave him a mischievous smile, and suddenly pulled him closer to her, placing one of his hands on her shoulder and her free hand on his, giving him a very tight hug. [color=aba000]“Besides,”[/color] She quietly spoke. [color=aba000]“I’d say I’m the one who pierced your heart, hmm?”[/color] She released the boy from her grasp after speaking, a small smile still on her lips as she turned and started walking back towards the town. [color=aba000]“Ahh, I’m starving!”[/color] She said. [color=aba000]“Come on Lukas, let’s go so you can buy me some delicious food already.”[/color] This was a different laugh from last time as hid his winces of pain from her grip with a returning chuckle of his own. [color=f26522]"Trust me... it gets worse; wanted to call Katherine a doll,"[/color] he remarked as his own laughter faded too. Lukas knew some of his quips were horribly laughable, but hey, it sometimes garnered him a new friend!... or a slap to the face... or just awkward silence... But it was the former to say the least. His smile was softer and less wide... and more or less, the look on his face was different as he was pulled in. Lukas noticed a teasing twinkle within her eyes; he expected some sort of prank, and quite frankly he was happily denounced of this. Suddenly, Sorcha pulled Lukas in, embracing him. His eyes widened and his face was slightly flushed as he was brought closer to her. As she hugged him, he opted to hug her back, that shocked expression of his transforming; he was now beaming. As she began whispering, Lukas laughed softly, allowing only the duo to hear it. [color=f26522]"Guess I made it too obvious, huh,"[/color] he whispered back after her comment over "piercing his heart," before they let go of each other. Lukas quickly retrieved all of his items with his mind, bringing them all to him as he began walking to catch up with the opulent woman. Lukas held that same smiling lip, unrelenting, and unchangeable. [color=f26522]"Ugh, you seem way too eager to plunder me Lady Sorcha,"[/color] Lukas responded with feigned annoyance as he pouted for a few seconds. As the blades, sheathes, and satchel fell into place, he broke back into the same smile of liveliness, of happiness, of determination. [color=f26522]"Maybe I might satiate that ravenous hunger of yours with one of these?"[/color] Lukas pulled out one of the few remaining sushi rolls in his bag as they traversed towards town, putting his hand forward as he offered the wrap to her. [color=f26522]"Sushi roll, m'lady?"[/color][/center]