[center][h2]Xena Rock Field[/h2] [sub]The Ambush Point[/sub][/center] Jenso frowned as his attempt to lure the serpent away from the others failed, and a Diver was eaten. He heard what Onweer said as she asked about the cannon's projectiles. He was angry at himself now. He hoped that his hammer strike from before hadn't ruined the cannon completely. At the time, the cannon was the biggest threat, and needed to be taken care of. But now, it could be the only way to take the beast down. He would certainly blame himself if the cannon failed to work, despite his good intentions of wanting to save as many lives as possible by trying to destroy it earlier. It seemed that everybody remained on the scene, not intending to run. Jenso, who was still near the ATV as he dashed away, leaped onto a large boulder nearby. He smiled at Luke and the others. He was pleased by Luke's attitude, the man certainly was up for the challenge. [color=f26522]"Got it, Luke. I'll try to give you guys the time you need to charge that cannon."[/color] He replied, as the beast began to sniff the remaining people out. Jenso aimed the palms of his hands at the creature as flames gathered within them. A torrent of flames erupted from his hands, headed for the Serpent's tongue. [i][color=f26522]'If it comes for me, the others will still be out of harm's way...and the people at the ATV will have an easier time to blast it.'[/color][/i] He thought.