[@Lord Zee][@ArenaSnow] Kelvin ignored the scent of blood, only pausing to glance back and take note of the [i]type[/i] of creature that crept behind him. [i]Ah, the accursed one.[/i] Faded memories of an age past stirred, but he brushed the thoughts away to focus on navigating. The castle was almost the same on the inside as it had a thousand years ago, but those memories were very faded, dulled by time. He chose his path based more on gut instinct- or the lack of it, than real knowledge. The pressure in the air was crushing, though the halls were dead silent, despite the physical presence looming near behind him. The din of shouting guards occasionally passed by, but there was surprisingly little resistance as Kelvin glided closer to the throne room. His steps slowed and then halted before the entrance of the main hall, the official entrance to the throne room. [i]Do I act out of selfishness, or for the justice of those who have died?[/i] As he finally entered the main hall and last bastion of defense for the throne room, Kelvin paused at a flicker of movement outside the high windows. It was almost symbolic, watching an Angel fly free and unrestricted through the pane of glass. His expression didn't waver as arrows lanced from below, piercing the divine being. It spiraled down, out of sight- taking with it his anger. Satisfaction, Irony, pity, and a touch of Remorse were all that was left behind from that sight. One did not choose to become an angel, after all. He didn't question the origin of the arrows, the matter had already slipped his mind. A more pressing thought was the strange connection his mind had made between the angel and the blood fiend that had followed him. Again, he dismissed memories that should have long since decayed with his body. There were more important things to ponder. He paced across the beautiful mosaic that covered the halls floor, the grandiose pillars casting shadows that briefly revealed him for the monster he truly was as he passed. Halfway down the hall, he paused, facing the large doors. No doubt the greatest warriors of the Forces of Light lay beyond that door, prepared to put down any and every being that dared pass. The illusion of his living self melted, as he turned his focus towards something more important. [color=0072bc][b]"My brothers and sisters..."[/b][/color] His voice, not the cold whisper of the undead, but the strong voice he had possessed in life, emanated from where he was standing- augmented by illusion magic in a haunting echo that could be heard throughout the nearest sections of the castle, including the throne room, just beyond the doors. [color=0072bc][b]"I claim, as a Child of Light, cursed to the Dark, the right of petition before the King."[/b][/color] He flared the magic, raising the volume even as his tone fell slightly. [color=0072bc][b]"What manner of father ignores the pleas of his child, no matter how distant?"[/b][/color] Kelvin strode towards the doors, [color=0072bc][b]"Was I not once a defender of the Light? Was I not a loyal follower?"[/b][/color] His voice broke slightly, and he went silent. The apparition halted just short of the doors, and instead of floating through, he focused, and the great doors shook as the banging echoed through the main hall. [color=0072bc][b]"I seek the least owed to one who died for this Kingdom, but a word. [center][h3]Grant me entrance."[/h3][/center][/b][/color]