[center][h2]A Forlorn Remedy[/h2][/center] [center][i]Tracyarmav[/i][/center] [center]Calder Dylan, Rini[/center] [center]Day 3, noon.[/center] [color=8882be][i]Calder considered the little thing before him, and wondered which God he'd angered to cause the recurrent appearance of bright little things in his particular vicinity. A quick glance towards Sirius confirmed that he was enveloped in something else entirely, and was unlikely to be the source of this particular iteration of humanity, if indeed she was as she seemed. Given the mention of blood magic, and her apparently unchaperoned attendance of the wedding, he highly doubted she was what she appeared to be. Still, she'd obviously already been in her cups, a minor insult as Calder understood it, though again she didn't seem to be particularly aware of herself. And now his own silence was bordering upon rudeness, so he spoke up, though he chose his words carefully, not quite perceiving the reason or purpose of her address. His voice was surprisingly soft and warm, akin to a calm summer sea.[/i][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]"Hello Reena. My name is Calder Dylan. Are you excited to see the wedding Rini?"[/b][/color] [color=8882be][i]Calder glanced over at Ludelle, ready to try and mitigate any misunderstanding, if it caused a disturbance. She seemed to be enjoying herself though, not that it was much assurance to Calder, considering what he'd been able to learn of her last love interest. Perhaps he'd wander over in a moment and introduce Rini, as a pretense to get a better gauge of the hellspawn. Calder returned his focus to the little girl and, out of consideration of his neighbors, began a small mending, greatly accelerating the metabolism of alcohol in her system temporarily. If she wanted to get wasted at the reception, she'd have no issues doing so, but for the next little bit she would find her buzz annoyingly illusive, and would no longer feel the negative effects of the drink after a few moments mending.[/i][/color]