[hider=Mellia Hanesworth] [center] [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color][/center] [center] Mellia Hanesworth[/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Nickname: [/color][/center] [center] Mell. If you call her anything else.. she will punch you[/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color][/center] [center] 17[/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Gender:[/color][/center] [center] Female [/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Sexuality:[/color][/center] [center] Heterosexual [/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Relationship Status[/color][/center] [center] Single [/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Class:[/color][/center] [center] Junior[/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Appearance:[/color][/center] [center][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/25/640x640_6082_Troopers_Lodging_2d_anime_girl_woman_portrait_picture_image_digital_art.jpg [/img][/center] Mellia stands at a rather unimpressively average 5'5" and weighs an even less impressive 55kg. She is actually only half asian, her other half being irish. She has a thin frame with an impressive amount of muscle. She often wears a pair of knee high leather boots, black pants and a random colored tank top. Her reddish hair and freckles were inherited from her mother. She has a tatoo sleeve on her right upper arm which she displays rather proudly. Her eyes are light amber, and seem to almost turn yellow sometimes if the light hits them at the right angle. [center]Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ8xqyoZXCc]Follow Your Arrow[/url][/center] [center][hider=House] Exterior [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/yakuza-mob-roleplay/images/7/76/Cathy's_mansion_(anime).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141104034843[/img] This is about an hour away from the school, and is guarded by some very intimidating Yakuza around the clock. Her room: [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/f426019dab7ec54ed9a37246d4895428/tumblr_nxn1miKwXo1ulyp4wo1_1280.jpg[/img] Its on the top floor, note that she keeps a collection of knives here, so watch where you step. [/hider][/center] [center][color=ed1c24]Likes:[/color][/center] [center]-Her family[/center] [center]-strong people[/center] [center]-breaking rules[/center] [center]-guns[/center] [center]-her motorcycle[/center] [center]-fighting/physical altercations[/center] [center]-Music (has a thing for all forms of music, especially likes drums)[/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]Dislikes[/color][/center] [center]-Authority figures(Cops for one)[/center] [center]-weak, submissive people[/center] [center]-overly sweet public displays of affection[/center] [center]-indecisive people[/center] [center]-cheaters[/center] [center]-smoking (She's been trying to quit, but she just can't kick the habit)[/center] [center][color=ed1c24]Personality[/color][/center] [center]Mellia is feirce, strong willed and rather violent. She tends to strike first and ask questions later. She easily grows impatient, and is almost always challenging her limits. She tends to answer people with sharp sarcastic comments and sly suggestive remarks. She is almost always moving, and finds it hard to sit still for extended periods of time. She is more street smart than book smart, and tends to know how to manipulate people better than she knows how to study. She is actually rather charismatic, and can be seen as the 'resident female badass' of the school. She is always thinking about some kind of angle or strategy to get what she wants. She can be difficult to understand.. and is the woman you want at a party. She can also prove to be rather intimidating. Despite her outer appearance and personality, she does have a feminine side. One where she likes flowers, and secretly thinks about meeting a guy. She will never outwardly share these thoughts or admit them though. Another important thing to note is that Mellia thinks crying is a form of weakness. She tends to hold her emotions bottled up inside in an attempt to look strong for her family.[/center] [center][color=ed1c24]Background:[/color][/center] [center]Mellia is the oldest of the boss of the local Yakuza. She has three younger brothers. As the eldest, Mellia is expected to set an example for her brothers. She was groomed from a young age to take over her father's business, taught to defend herself with fists and fire a gun. Over the years working with her father, she's been shot and hospitalized for other injuries. She was living a good life up until she turned ten, when her mother was diagnosed with end stage cancer. Within a few months, Mellia's mother had passed away, leaving Mellia to take care of her three younger brothers while her father was off on business ventures. Mellia had to grow up fast, learning to balance school and her home life along with the extra work her father gave her to groom her to take over his job. She actually dropped out of school for a while in order to raise her youngest brother who was only five at the time. Finally, when her brother was old enough to go to primary school, Mellia returned to school. She caught up with her studies. She finally let her guard down enough to date a guy who was brave enough to ask her out. They dated for about a year when she discovered he was cheating on her with another girl in school. As revenge, she slashed his tires, filled his locker with manure, and broke his nose. Her frightening reaction acted as a deterrent between her and new relationships.. which was just as she liked it.. because she didn't want her heart to be broken again. She has formed a shell of sarcasm and witty comebacks to prevent another relationship from starting. She also will skip class from time to time if she decides she is bored. [/center] [center][hider=Relationships] Saori Oka: Thinks Saori might be a cool person to hang out with. She seems fun. Maybe she will take her out for drinks sometime, or to a crazy party. Arturo Cuevas: Remembering him from her previous school, she thinks of him as that weird guy with the harp. She finds him fun to mess with and scare. Though she does grow tired of his company when he goes off to study or acts all wimpy around her. She is civil towards him, mainly because sometimes he helps her with her math. TBD[/hider][/center] [hider=her family] Dis her momma. (the picture they have on the mantle, cause she died of cancer bros) [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/ReplaceImageForTrope_2709.jpg[/img] dis her daddy. [img]http://rsc2.saatscommerce.com/img55de74c3d8945_l.jpg[/img] imagine this but with black hair. Its super hard to find pictures of older guys without them having white hair or lots of facial hair T>T (his name is Don. But everyone calls him boss) and he is like 58 and her brothers: the oldest brother (Arata): [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/af/47/95/af4795f6496fe4a5b14af206ab699ba7.jpg[/img] 15, dating someone, its none of your business who. the middle brother (Koto): [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/heart-lore/images/0/0f/Anime-Boy-Black-Hair-Brown-Eyes.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140627213622[/img] 14, Single, uhm potato? the youngest brother (Tatsuya): [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/1fe7/f/2014/064/2/b/little_boy_240_935802_by_ilovebooksandanime-d791056.jpg[/img] 12, single, jailbait. XD [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Arturo Cuevas] [center] [color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/center] [center] Arturo Cuevas[/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Nickname: [/color][/center] [center] Art (only by those he knows really well)[/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Age:[/color][/center] [center] 17[/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Gender:[/color][/center] [center] Male [/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Sexuality:[/color][/center] [center] He is bisexual. [/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Relationship Status[/color][/center] [center] Single [/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Class:[/color][/center] [center] Junior[/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Appearance:[/color][/center] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liuh1m7LJj1qgfqst.jpg[/img][/center] A rather attractive boy with deep brown hair that is tied into a ponytail. He has green eyes, and a rather muscular yet wiry frame and stands at about 6'3". Not only does he tower over most of the students at the school, his skin is also a couple of shades darker due to the fact he is Hispanic. [center]Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nq98aqRmy4]Don't give up[/url][/center] [center][hider=House] Exterior [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/4479/335087-aprt_7.png[/img] He lives in a rather small apartment in this complex. His Apartment: [img]https://marymemary13.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/wolf-children-house.png[/img] the main room of his apartment. [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/202/5/7/soe_game_background___asumi_dorm_room_by_dharker-d6efale.jpg[/img] his bedroom, seperated from the main room by a screen [/hider][/center] [center][color=6ecff6]Likes:[/color][/center] [center]-The Harp.[/center] [center]-Catholicism (it was ingrained into him at birth, he wont go overboard with this and lecture anyone about god, but it is an important part of his life)[/center] [center]-Swimming [/center] [center]-Animals (Carlita :D)[/center] [center]-Challenging himself[/center] [center]-Spanish[/center] [center]-Good Food (really big fan of spicy food)[/center] [center]-Studying[/center] [center]-the truth[/center] [center] [color=6ecff6]Dislikes[/color][/center] [center]-his family[/center] [center]-people who aren't accepting of other's beliefs and lifestyles[/center] [center]-Bad food[/center] [center]-Stupid people[/center] [center]-His secret fear that he will die alone[/center] [center][color=6ecff6]Personality[/color][/center] [center]Arturo is actually extremely intelligent. From years of trying to prove himself to his family. Since he was 'the black sheep' he was always forced to get good grades in class. And now that he's not living with them, he hasn't forgotten this habit. He can often be found with his nose in a book of some sort. He is very level headed and mature for his age, as well as displaying strong self-confidence. However, he can also be extremely sullen and pessimistic at times, being blunt and saying 'the truth about the world', even if its offensive or hurtful. He believes above all in 'tough love' and 'the truth at all costs.' He can also be something of a flirt.. so everyone watch out. Depending on if he is dating a girl or a boy, the way he acts in a relationship is different. He tends to be rougher with men than women, and tends to use more chivalry with women. [/center] [center][color=6ecff6]Background:[/color][/center] [center] Arturo was an accident, conceived long after his parents had decided to give up having children. He overheard his mother and father talking about him being the 'accident child' when he was six. When he turned eight, his mother went insane, completely deciding to abandon him while refusing to get help. She was never around to take care of him, leaving one of his two older brothers home alone with him most of the time. His two older brothers (who were twins) abandoned him without a word, going off to hang with friends rather than care for their younger brother. His father was never around because he had to provide for their family, and never saw the breakdowns the mother had. So Arturo had to learn quickly to care for himself, surviving on a diet of Ramen and Hot dogs. When he turned ten, his father died of a heart attack caused by stress and the fragments of his mother's mind shattered. At seeing the state of their mother's mind, she was hospitalized. Arturo was too young to live on his own, and sent to live with his Grandfather in Japan. From here, he were forced to learn Japanese quickly, because his Grandfather did not speak Spanish or English. Arturo initially struggled in school, earning the contempt of his grandfather. Arturo studied as hard as he could, learning as quickly as his mind would allow in an attempt to prove himself to his grandfather. He actually did well for a while, getting straight A's. He even decided to pick up an instrument as an extracurricular, using his own money to buy himself his first ever Harp. He showed impressive prowess at the harp, and some at his own school called him a 'genius.' His grandfather also expected Arturo to care for himself, and here, Arturo learned to cook healthier meals. However, everything changed when Arturo kissed his first man. His grandfather had brought him up as a strict Catholic, so the idea of being with a man enraged Arturo's grandfather and he kicked him out of the house and onto the street at the young age of fifteen. From here, Arturo picked up a few jobs here and there with whoever would hire him, even living in the Amusement park and resorting to stealing a few times to survive. At last he got his break when he lied about his age and was hired as a cook for the Family Restaurant. Proving himself to them as a line cook, he soon was promoted to Sous chef. During his five years alone, Arturo adopted a kitten named 'Carlita.' The brown fluffy tabby lives in his apartment, and is toilet trained. Arturo has plans to be a doctor of some sort eventually. Just so he can rub it in his family's face. In particular he wants to work with the brain, this might have something to do with his mother who went insane. [/center] [center][hider=Relationships] Mellia Hanesworth: He thinks her boyish, active personality is really attractive, but she also intimidates the hell out of him. He saw her break someone's nose when they went to school together, and has sense decided she's not the type of girl he should ever be with.. because she is much too 'punchy' for his tastes. Now just sees her as a weird friend of a sorts. TBD[/hider][/center] [/hider]