[hider=Zoey Reese] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Zoey%20Reese&name=D3Radicalism.ttf&size=100&style_color=54C297[/img] [color=54C297]Name[/color] Zoey Renee Reese [color=54C297]Birthday[/color] October/28/2000 [color=54C297]Age[/color] 15 [color=54C297]Appearance[/color] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/9c6226123c7f78df22e15694cc88a441/tumblr_npwgidWBqb1uqknwro1_1280.png[/img] 5’1 108 lbs [color=54C297]Position[/color] Second Youngest of the Reese Family [color=54C297]School[/color] Millington High School - Freshman [color=54C297]Occupation[/color] No job [color=54C297]Personality[/color] Isolated and alone is where Zoey feels the most secure and comfortable. Whenever in public, she tends to give off vibes of being burdened or annoyed but she simply doesn’t care about most things. Anything practical or socially accepted ideas go over her head and she is constantly out of touch with trends and conventions. Zoey simply finds those things to be irrelevant and worthless. The entire school system and her do not get along very well. She frequently skips class and when she does decide to come, she’s not even really there. Very few things attract her attention but one of the few she does care for is her violin. Most of her time and energy is spent on practicing and she’s come to be quite talented. She hopes to learn guitar as well. Zoey tends to be self-absorbed within her own world and rarely pays attention to others. She’s extremely forgetful about things she doesn’t care much about. It’s easy to become frustrated with Zoey but she’s chill in the fact that she simply doesn’t care what other think of her. The idea of hating someone also sounds rather impractical to her. Zoey tends to stay neutral in everything she participates in. [color=54C297]Short Bio[/color] Born as the second youngest into the Reese family, life was simple for Zoey. While she was very troublesome for her parents, they still accepted her odd personality and cared for her. She’s never been interested in typical things teenagers are supposed to be in. Instead, she prefers to be alone and do her own thing. Most of Zoey’s siblings can be quite frustrated with her or ignore her altogether. While it might not seem like it, Zoey does care for her family, she just isn’t the best at showing it. She tends to fade away in the background and most people hardly notice her presence when she walks into a room. School has not been Zoey’s best experience. Frequently skipping, she has gained a bad reputation for being a delinquent and many people stay away from her. While she doesn’t care much for other’s opinion, she would have liked at least one friend. The only person within the school she enjoys being around is the music teacher. Zoey doesn’t participate in orchestra and she simply plays violin for her own enjoyment bu whenever she needs advice on things, she will go to her. Most of Zoey’s time is spent within her room, where she will often play violin or just think. Long walks alone in the park at midnight are also things she enjoys and can be found doing. Zoey has trouble telling people where she’s headed whenever she leaves and often causes worry within her family.[/center][/hider]