[center][h2]A First[/h2][/center] [center]Viciousmarrow, Wind Wild[/center] [center]Ludelle Glowren, Izual Anzhela[/center] [center]Day 3, Noon[/center] Against all odds, Izual's actions had gained the interest of the woman in front of him. Studying the Elf's expression, Izual's dark eyes caught a rosy tint spread across her cheeks. He also noticed that, like a mewling kitten, her bashful demeanor was absolutely adorable, accentuated more by a tender tone that bled honesty. His gaze never left her face though and never once ventured across the voluptuousness of her body. The Knight was not the type to be drawn in by sheer sex appeal, for the concept of attraction through external beauty alone was foreign to him. A different kind of allure was required to gain his utmost attention. For a brief moment, a figure in the background drew the Hellspawn's attention: that of a Troll, towering above many within the crowd. The creature's reptilian eyes were on the two of them, watching them. At that moment, Izual understood who and what that creature was. It was the [i]Overseer[/i], the one that would rain hellfire upon him if he failed the test of mettle before him. The Troll was there to ensure all coupled parties remained together, the assassin that observed from high above with unending vigilance. Surely, there was no escape from such divine causality. Suddenly, Izual snapped back to Ludelle, meeting the entrapping countenance of her lustrous, stormy orbs. Had her visage been so hypnotic before? The electric performance that danced in her eyes had him transfixed, leaving his mouth partially agape as he leered at such a phenomenon. Though he knew nothing about her, her gaze told him everything he needed to know and the depth of her character. He was a sailor pulled into a radiant blue, grey, and silver maelstrom that threatened to swallow him whole. The immaculateness tugged at his very soul, crawling in and flooding his essence with serenity. [color=slateblue]"...Wow. I have never seen eyes as beautiful as yours..."[/color] he practically whispered, not a trace of dishonesty in his words. Eyes, in particular, were one of Izual's weaknesses. Blinking, he tore himself from her addicting vortex, clearing his throat and laughing nervously. If he kept staring at her like that, then she'd just walk away and his mission would end in failure! [color=slateblue]"Er... Would you like to accompany me to the ceremony? I'd like to get to know you better, Ludelle."[/color] he offered, running a hand through his silver hair while grinning a cheesy smile. If she was supposed to his future wife, he might as well try to know everything about her. He could take solace in the fact that she at least had beautiful eyes, if nothing else. So, whoever decided Izual and Ludelle should be together, then he supposed they chose appropriately.