Darshane blinked slowly at the black-garbed woman's incomprehensible accent, frowning heavily, taking a solid ten seconds to even realize that she had addressed him in the Common tongue. [b][color=7ea7d8]"You must be the First Mate, Ms. Kira Kodera?"[/color][/b] He said slowly, looking her up and down and awaiting her confirmation before scratching her name off the list. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Your cabin is with the passengers rather than the crew's quarters."[/color][/b] He fished in his pocket and held out a key for her. He wasn't happy about having to serve under a woman, but at least this busty human seemed a bit more serious than a fairy. Only a few more figures boarded after Kira, most of them late crewmembers who were each in for a tongue-lashing from the tall bosun. All in all there were about 100 sailors to crew the vessel, all of them rushing about to get her under way. It was tense, an effect not improved by the way many of them seemed to be glancing at each other conspiratorially. -- [b][color=00a99d]"Not mine,"[/color][/b] the Captain shook his head, his blue gaze scanning the sky for a moment to try to spot the bird again, but there where so many gulls wheeling noisily overhead that finding one white crow in the flock was impossible. Giving up on the crow, he glanced back at the fairy just as Dain landed with his trunk on the crate. [b][color=00a99d]"Don't get too many fairies here in Azure Strand, m'boy,"[/color][/b] he observed, a searching glance flitting to the locked trunk. [b][color=00a99d]"Especially those wanting to sail to distant lands on a whim."[/color][/b] Standing smoothly on the rocking deck, Blaine reached down for his blue greatcoat, shrugging it over his shoulders. The garment went a long way to changing Blaine's somewhat casual appareance to that of the Captain of the sleek new vessel. He towered over the fairy. [b][color=00a99d]"Didn't expect a merchant's assistant whose passage was paid for in advance to ask questions about provisions,"[/color][/b] Blaine remarked knowingly, an amused grin playing across his face. He adjusted his coat so that it fit smartly across his chest, letting his thinly-veiled suspicion linger for a moment. [b][color=00a99d]"Whoever paid for your passage sent provisions ahead. They're already in your cabin."[/color][/b] [b][color=00a99d]"Come find me later, after we set sail. Once our course is laid in I'll be in my cabin. He jerked his thumb in the direction of the stern. I'm sure we will have much to talk about, Mr. Crest."[/color][/b] The blonde man patted his thighs for a moment, searching his pockets until he produced a small iron key. It wasn't fairy-sized, of course, more akin to something that would fit a padlock. [b][color=00a99d]"Yours is the only door with a padlock on the window. Hopefully you'll find that easier to manage."[/color][/b] With that, the Captain moved towards the railing and looked over. A chorus of shouts swept through the crew and the huge ropes holding the ship to the docks began to fly, the gankplank raised. [b][color=00a99d]"Look sharp, Bosun! If we wait any longer to set sail these lads'll be able to use their beards to swab the decks! Let's shove off!"[/color][/b] His voice was loud, commanding, but still somehow cheerful. Figures began to sweep up into the rigging to loose the sails, climbing up as nimbly as spiders or monkeys. The Azure Rising drifted slowly out into the water but then began to turn as the wheel spun under the helmsman's hands. Darshane lifted a small brass whistle to his lips and blew hard, the shrill noise audible above the rest of the noise. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Weigh anchor!"[/color][/b]