[center][u][b]Age of Imperialism 2.0: TURN 4| January, 1920[/b] (Week 7)[/u] (Turn 4, Part 6 of 12)[/center] [b]Friday, February 19th[/b] A convoy from the [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b] sets sail from Sikea. [i]Convoy Fleet Hond[/i] was headed by Captain Charlie Aptroot and consisted of the [i]Omlandia, Overijssel[/i] and [i]Zutphen[/i]. The vessels were expected to reach the [b][color=yellow]Imperial Republic of Fuso[/color][/b] by the end of the week and were carrying 30,000 mortars, machine guns and light equipment. [b]Saturday, February 20th[/b] The [b]Kalpian 2nd Fleet[/b] reached the Chaegonian colony of Siragusa. A tropical resort; it's home to 900,000. The majority of those inhabiting it are Faresians, with less than 250,000 of them actually native Chaegonians. The 2nd Fleet overlooks the harbor while troop ships unload the [b]1st Expeditionary Army[/b] under newly appointed General Seldivo Diorubvo. The 2,000 strong army disembarks alongside 20 Athihk K.18-II armored cars. General Diorubvo and his guard enter the Colonial Town Hall and are at first met admirably. The Siragusan governor, Joni Tiamazzi was a careerist, a subservient to the Chaegon Empire. He was jailed as a possible dissident, and by the end of the day the Kalpian flag flew over the colony of Siragusa. Kalpian armored cars were stationed in the square, and a garrison near the harbor was set up. [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/50/7f/38/507f38db94d1780b74e1148edd71826d.jpg[/img] [i]Kalpian troops enter Siragusa. February, 1921[/i][/center] [b]Sunday, February 21st[/b] Operation Silhouette nears it's end, with Ferrereian reserves nearly depleted. The Korenians commit the majority of their air force to achieving air superiority. A patrol of 3 Strzelec-1F's are jumped by eleven Sinier F.130's and all shot down at the loss of only a single F.130. Later that day, the entire Siratramakt Air Field in western Ferrareia is called to their planes. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e4/148th_American_Aero_Squadron_field._Making_preparations_for_a_daylight_raid_on_German_trenches_and_cities._The..._-_NARA_-_530739.tif/lossy-page1-440px-148th_American_Aero_Squadron_field._Making_preparations_for_a_daylight_raid_on_German_trenches_and_cities._The..._-_NARA_-_530739.tif.jpg[/img] [i]Strzelec-1F fighters preparing to take off. February, 1921[/i][/center] [b]Monday, February 22nd[/b] [b]FARESIA[/b]: The [b]I Infantry Corps[/b] under General Tujoki enter Wuwei. The city is mostly desolate, with only a meager Yuxiang Clique garrison of 3,000 men whom surrendered almost instantly. The town is passive. The Qingstao there are apathetic to whomever rules, though they certainly seem aware at the hospitality of the Fusans, as opposed to the Yuxiang, who are bloodthirsty and ruthless. The city of Wuwei contains about 1,200,000 inhabitants. Tujoki begins garrisoning the city. [b]Tuesday, February 23rd[/b] Heavy storms batter the Taranian coast, stopping the [b][color=orange]Empire of Chaegon[/color][/b]'s Operation Brown in it's tracks. The advance halted doesn't make it any easier on the troops for either side, as the trench lines become hallways of mud and water. Amateur meteorology estimates the rain to last up to the end of the week. [b]Wednesday, February 24th[/b] Operation Silhouette ends, with over 55,000 casualties from the Ferrareian army and the [b][color=yellow]Republic of Korenia[/color][/b] maintaining it's position with a third of Ferrareia in its grasp. Reinforcements from supporting nations begin to seep in, and the trench lines are hastily reinforced in anticipation of a new offensive as soon as the men are ready. The world watches on, and in Herada, Prime Minister Bradel gave a speech outlining the future fate of Ferrareia, adding that it will be added to the Korenian Republic territory to help strengthen the once beset nation. [b]Thursday, February 25th[/b] The [i]Halbert Expedition[/i] of the [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b], expected to have already reached the Faresian island, hasn't yet send word back to Sikea. Instead, a Kalpian diplomat from the Faresian colony there arrives in Sikea to announce a Kalpian search party conducting a cartography expedition saw the destroyed ships of the Soroyan expedition on the sharp rocks of the small island. The Kalpian diplomat regretted not having a formal name for the budding Soroyan colony purposes of condolence.