[i][h1][center]It's Not What it Looks Like[/center][/h1][/i] [i][center]Monochromatic Rainbow, [@Viciousmarrow][/center][/i] [b][center]Adéla, Bunny[/center][/b] [center]Day 3, Noon[/center] Adéla stretched her shoulders as she walked away from Urthar, leaving him to his own devices to finish preparations for opening the Way. She contemplated simply finding a good place to sit and waiting out the duration, but a little nagging voice in the back of her head urged her to go and socialize with other sapient beings, human, fae, or otherwise - the important part being that they could respond to her. Her social skills had deteriorated considerably during her isolation in the pit and self-induced solitary confinement in the first few months at the Tower. She still remembered most social niceties and such, but actually putting them in practice seemed like it would be considerably more difficult after speaking to maybe ten different people in total in her entire time here. Urthar didn’t even really count as social interaction with other natural denizens of Galendar for obvious reason. She made her way through the crowd, increasingly self conscious over her choice of attire. The coat was certainly more feminine than most military style coats - but all the same that’s what it was. Gunmetal grey, four colored fourragère with each color marking a notable achievement, and the insignia of her rank of Knight Commander of the Master of Word prominent on her right breast. A lock of hair fell into her eye again and she blew at it futilely, trying the get the offending strands out of her face but failing miserably. Sighing, Adéla reached up to brush it out of her way, revealing a curious sight in front of her. A woman, with… bright green/turquoise hair staring at… Ludelle and a… She wasn’t quite sure, not a fae, not… Hellspawn perhaps? She wasn’t sure. Why was he flirting with Ludelle? Was Ludelle flirting with him? Adéla sighed - why did people have to be so complicated? Machines were nice, she preferred machines. She snuck closer, overhearing some things and raising an eyebrow. So… this neon haired woman was… attracted to or crushing on or something on this Hellspawn, and she was breaking apart because she thought he was… dumping her? Flirting with other women? Adéla gently applied palm to face. She didn’t know much about the courting processes of the other peoples and barely any of that of human, but she’d gleaned enough from Calder and others to gather that, judging by how he was acting, that was far from the case. Walking up to her slowly, her nose wrinkled at the stench of strong alcohol. Very strong. She was all for getting plastered after the fact, but doing so beforehand seemed a bit rude. “You do realize,” she began, standing behind the neon haired woman, “that he’s not being a player, right? He probably thinks he’s supposed to be doing that with her, arranged marriages and such. Such fun.”