[center] [b]Name[/b] Tori Neus [b]Alias[/b] Nuisance [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/65659335/large.jpg[/img] [b]Personality[/b] Tori, at first glance, is not a girl that shows much emotion. She talks in a monotone voice, shows few facial expressions, and uses few words in greetings. However, she is actually quite the jokester. She makes puns and jokes whenever she feels it's appropriate, places whoopee cushions and other such prank items in certain places, and more. [b]Skills[/b] -Cooking: Tori is a decent cook. -Trivia: Tori has learned a large amount of information over the years from various books and documentaries. -Puns: what place would be complete without puns? -Magic Tricks: with a lot of spare time on her hands, she tends to learn odd things. [b]Powers[/b] - Creation: essentially, her power is to create anything. Of course, there are limitations to her creations: 1. No living creatures. Naturally. Even she can't create life that easily. 2. Reality: Tori cannot create something that doesn't physically exist. 3. Knowledge: Tori is limited to only creating what she knows and understands. 4: No magic: Tori can create things like magic rings and wands, but any magical properties they have will not be created. Other than ther, anything's fair game. [b]Equipment[/b] -None [b]hertory[/b] Tori's parents were often too busy with work to spend much time with her, so she spent most of her time alone in the house or with friends. With that time, Tori used it to learn. Admittedly, a lot of it was non-academic stuff, but it was fun. Regardless, Tori used her knowledge to humor and/or annoy her friends. One day, Tori wanted another whoopee cushion to add to her collection. All of a sudden, it was there on her bed. Confused, Tori then thought of getting another deck of playing cards, and a deck fell on her head. Tori continued to experiment further, and soon realized that she had the power to create. Then she moved on with her life, unperturbed by the discovery. She lived her life as an ordinary human, goofing around with friends and doing well academically. However, she couldn't resist using her power in secret every once in a while to create some funny situations. It was fun for a while, but novelty of it quickly wore out. Eventually, she realized that she was bored. She had an amazing power with very little practical use. As Tori walked home, she wondered what she should do. As she did so, she was pulled into an alleyway and a knife was placed near her throat. Tori soon realized that she was being mugged. However, she was not worried. With a thought and a hand in her pocket, Tori soon got the mugger to leave with a wad of counterfeit bills (George Washington was replaced with Abraham Lincoln). With the situation dealt with, Tori gave an idea some thought. Could she use her powers to do some good for her city? With the thought in mind, Tori went off to do some researching. One thing came to another, and she soon found herself with the Teen Titans. [b]OtSher[/b] Titans Go! [/center]